1/2 (.25) Big O

1/2 (.25) Big O

Online app game

Hero (button) - $1100 As 2s 4h 4d 5c
Villain (sb) - covers

Villain seems bad. Calls a lot. Gets too deeply involved in pots with junk hands, etc. Have

Preflop - ($5)

UTG limp, UTG+1 makes it $10. Hero calls on Button. Both blinds calls. UTG limper folds.

Flop - $45

Qs 6c 4c

Villain pots in the SB. BB folds. Original raiser folds. Hero calls with bottom set, gutter, and nut low draw.

Turn - $135


We turn quads.

Villain pots it again. Hero…

A) Call to keep in his semi bluffs and/or lesser draws
B) Raise small to ~ $275-325,
C) Raise large to $425-$540 (full pot)

To me this looks very strong and in my experience of playing these app games for a long time this screams “top set. I see bad players do this regularly. However, I am not very familiar with this particular Villain and can’t say that I have seen him donk with top set before.

We don’t want him to check/fold the river if the low or clubs brick and we want to get all in on the river but of course we also don’t want to push him out of the pot either.

What is your preferred action on the turn?

10 May 2024 at 05:56 AM

10 Replies

Against QQ it doesn't matter what you do even. You'll get the rest in on the river to nearly always. Against other hands it's a very clear call. Why do you think he pot-pots and c/f when low/clubs brick?

Something strange must've happened, otherwise you wouldn't be asking this. It's such a obvious call.

by amok k

Against QQ it doesn't matter what you do even. You'll get the rest in on the river to nearly always. Against other hands it's a very clear call

Well, my read was that he had QQ/66, not necessarily that that’s what he actually had.

What if we add A2 with clubs or A235 with or with out clubs to his pot flop, pot turn range as well as QQ/66? Maybe A2Q6x also. Possibly some bluffs a small amount of the time? (Although OOP this seems suicidal even for a presumably bad player).

With that total range A, B, or C?

by amok k

Why do you think he pot-pots and c/f when low/clubs brick?

If he doesn’t have a set and he isn’t triple barrel bluffing into 3 people then his hand likely improves with clubs or a low card but can’t call anything if the river is a brick.

Yeah but he should bluff rivers.

I think this hand is a call pretty much no matter how his range is composed.

Call 100%.

Win the same vs value regardless and let him hang himself with bluffs. Some 9-T-J-K (even A) generates a lot of folds from IP and he may overbluff on those.

results pls

I bet he won.

by amok k

results pls

I raise to $400 and he snap folds.

Had he not potted into me twice I would have gone for a pull rather than a push but I guess my read was off that he had a set. I was pretty surprised by his fold.

by amok k

Yeah but he should bluff rivers.

I think this hand is a call pretty much no matter how his range is composed.

Good point. He likely keeps blasting on a brick river given his flop and turn aggression.

Perhaps the guy thought he can just keep blasting at you and you will tell him if you have a good hand. Which you did. This is like the best possible spot I've ever seen to slow play. You don't need protection and slow playing helps your range sooo much. If I was the villain I'd feel more incentivized to keep barreling vs you after this hand. Guys who barrel weak hands aren't afraid of raises, they are afraid of calls.
