How would you play this draw

How would you play this draw

Hi all - splashy 1-2 home game of No limit BIG O. Most pots are just limped like 8 ways. I decide to raise to $10 with

A/2/5/7/K My ace is suited and so is the King. Like 5 people call.

Flop is 4/6/J with none of my suits. An aggressive but fishy guy bets out $10. I reraise to $30 to build the pot as basically any card that doesn't pair the board under an 8 helps me or even gives me nut nut possible. He makes it $100. At this point I think he has jacks so I just call.

Thoughts on the flop? reraise and the call? I don't usually semi bluff though.

25 July 2024 at 02:04 PM

4 Replies

Your hand is strong enough to get it in on the flop if you want to unless you are very very deep (you don't mention the stacks). If you are IP I like the flat to his re-raise to $100. I think raising is fine to his very small lead, but I'd make it much bigger than $30, like at least $60. You don't mention if you have one or two backdoor flushdraws. With two I'm much more prone to put a lot of money in on the flop.

Oops, I knew I left something out. He had like $500 and I had about $300. I called the flop raise then the board paired and he bet $100 again. I got stubborn and called, I probably should have folded heads up drawing to half the pot.

by moginsburg k

Hi all - splashy 1-2 home game of No limit BIG O. Most pots are just limped like 8 ways. I decide to raise to $10 with

A/2/5/7/K My ace is suited and so is the King. Like 5 people call.

Flop is 4/6/J with none of my suits. An aggressive but fishy guy bets out $10. I reraise to $30 to build the pot as basically any card that doesn't pair the board under an 8 helps me or even gives me nut nut possible. He makes it $100. At this point I think he has jacks so I just call.

Thoughts on the flop?

Your hand can improve to a nut hand low but only has a few outs to a good high hand. This means you want a bunch of people in at $10 not heads up as you want part of that half pot to be other peoples money.

I wouldn’t mind letting more people into the pot as we usually only win high when we make nut nut.
