

I realize this was probably a massive punt but it was also my first time playing 5card outside of a couple home games with close friends.

Villain is a maniac I have played NL holdem with before. He plays hyper aggressive and usually makes massive overbet all ins with absolute air for maximum fold equity. As for Omaha, he aggressively pots most hands he is in, but has admittedly tightened up in the last half hour.

Effective stack is $2600
Blinds are $5/5
Hero has AJ235 dbl suited (53s, AJh)

We are playing 5 handed, UTG limps, 1 more limp, villain on BTN pots, hero calls from SB, UTG calls, other folds.

Flop ($100..?) Jc5d3c
Checks to Villain, he pots, hero calls, UTG jams for $180, villain calls (action closed), hero calls..

Turn ($640) Td
Hero checks, villain pots...


Should I be raising flop when I'm blocking all sets and drawing to nut low and a straight? Can we just fold now with just 2pairs, no flush draws, and no low on the board? I wasn't extremely worried about the all in player, she had been getting her money in pretty bad all session and kept rebuying for about $200 each time.

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13 November 2024 at 06:22 PM

5 Replies

Close between 3-betting and flatting pre but if he is wide I'd 3-bet.

I think flatting flop is better than raising, yes you block sets but you also don't want to force other A2 to fold. Turn I certainly wouldn't fold against a described player, so call.

A23ds is a huge hand pre.

So I thought if I call here there's only a pot size bet left and I feel like this villain is likely to apply max pressure on a lot of rivers and decided to just re pot and get it in on the turn. Villain snap calls it off and flips over A3TTQ for a set of tens. River bricks and he scoops. I guess we can just call and he might check back plenty of rivers. Getting it in on the turn felt like an overplay and was kinda looking for a fold so idk what I was doing tbh. Sounds like raising pre is the main thing I should have done and then we pot the flop as the aggressor?

In general it's not great poker to ship a decent hand to make him fold bluffs. Just call turn like I said. Yes it's not a great spot (OOP, very wet board) but it's the best play you have. Shipping is not a massive punt IMO, you had equity anyway. But it's not optimal.

Being the aggressor pre doesn't mean you need to bet the flop OOP. It's a great flop for you and gives you a lot of good options.

How tight has he gotten? I think I'm raising pre and then potting flop.

As played, I might even fold turn, but I can get behind a call. I don't like a shove.
