1/3 Big O Hands
Hand 1
A223Q suited with diamonds, ace-high (A♦ )
180 effective, bought in for 200, playing for a couple hours and spewy player arrives. Spewy covers hero and has played with hero before. 15 minutes or so after spewy arrives:
Spewy on BB, hero UTG+1
Hero opens to $15, HIjack calls, BB calls.
Flop: AQ5 rainbow with the 5♦
Spewy bets $35, Hero AND Hijack call.
Turn: 7♥
Spewy checks, Hero bets $85, leaving $45 behind. Hijack and spewy call.
River is 7♦ and BB instantly puts out their green stack, about 9 chips. Hero slides in the rest (calls), and Hijack finally calls BB.
Once Hijack calls, spewy announces they've got nothing and never shows, HJ reveals their and wins the side with 24 low and some high like AT. I scooped the main with AQ and 23.
Nothing to see here, right?
6 Replies
Only real question is raising the flop or not. Against a spewy, I think you played it right.
For me zero point in raising flop, against anyone.
Apart from the very strange turn sizing (I think both a small bet and all-in make sense) wp.
We want everyone in at this spr, as shown by AT24 coming along almost dead. Not raising.
If spews checks we just take over the betting.
You completly crushed the board- and this shortcut thinking has to lead you into slowplaying mode most of the time.
I don't think fast-play is terrible at low SPR, but idk how "spewy" plays. I would guess not many bet-folds, especially vs something like exploitative min-raise, then its hard to fold any turn.
I also think having two 2s in hand means hero should be more willing to fastplay.