You calling with the low draw?
1/2 Big O home game that is No Limit. Spewy guy makes it $15 preflop and gets 5 callers including myself.
I have A/3 clubs with 9/K/7. Game doesn't have a lot of people that can fold.
Flop is 9/4/2 with 2 diamonds and 1 club
The original raiser in small blind goes all in for $135. He gets 2 other callers, who are basically all in with maybe $20 behind. It's up to me on the button.
I'm thinking on one hand I have the nut low draw, top pair and backdoor clubs. On the other hand I'm kind of sure someone else has A/3 but I could be wrong. I don't think my top pair is good but could make 2 pair. I tank fold. Not sure what the right decision is. I guess obviously if the board pairs the turn and has a Face card on the river I just move on.
However it comes 2 Club picture cards and I would have scooped. I don't want to be results oriented but is this a fold most of the time?
6 Replies
lol call what are you doing. You are playing against monkeys and fold that? It's a pretty good flop for your hand and you are not deep at all.
Ha yeah I guess I was gun shy after getting quartered twice in the last hour. Figured if I hit the low a good chance someone else had A/3 also. I guess for $130 it's a call.
btw if you get quartered here you break even
Trivial call. Too much high equity to fold, on top of nut low draw without more pressure.
2p/trips/boat draws are also valuable. You can also hit the 7hi straight or wheel.
Yeah good point lol. Figured the way I’ve been running it would just come 2 high cards and I’d miss the low (which did happen). I had been quartered twice already for big pots and already lost half my stack. I guess I got gun shy but yeah , in game I didn’t realize that about breaking even
You really let a couple of hands that didn't go your way effect your play this much?