

5-10-20 Big O. V1 is a reg, pretty bad at big O. Doesn’t balance much and probably betting the wrong hands frequently. V2 is a huge station with 70-80 vpip.

Hero on btn with A3468 with 86dd

Pre: V2 (3K) limps utg, hero (covers) limps, V2 (1K) in BB completes. 4 ways

Flop (85) :
872r bdfd
2 checks, V1 pots, hero calls, V2 calls

Turn (340) :
872r 2x
Both check

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23 February 2025 at 07:02 PM

3 Replies

Flop is a little awkward, its pretty easy to get quartered with Hero's hand without better high redraws. As played something like 20%-50% psb for value / protection is ok, wanting to encourage some folds but not putting in a lot of aggression most rivers.

Actually, if V1's flop cbet range is way off, going for two big bets on turn and river is more attractive, but this is not a hand we should be looking to get too many chips in 150bb deep in a SRP pot; we have so many stronger high hands / redraws we can play more aggressively.

I guess one player folded on the flop? V1 is UTG and V2 is BB, correct?

As played, I agree with monikrazy -- bet half pot or so. V1 probably bets a big hand and V2 is just a station, so let him station.

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Bet if you think you aren't getting raised ever. It's not like checking is bad in any way and you can possibly even raise some rivers.
