5-10-20 Big O. Hero is the eff stack at 2.2k. Both villains are decent.

Hero on the btn with AKJ28ds with K8cc

Pre: Hero opens 60, sb and bb call

Flop (200) : Qx7c3c
2 checks Hero..

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20 March 2025 at 11:13 AM

8 Replies

It's helpful if the hand history is a little more specific on the suits, especially whether you have a flush redraw or not, and whether that is a nut flush redraw.

This is a pretty good spot for a checkback imo; Hero is a modest equity favorite on flop (let's say ~36.5% equity), but his hand performs poorly vs. check-raise, and is an equity underdog vs. most other A2xxx hands (and SB should be A2xxx heavy). Note that villain's should have strong ranges for defending blinds, while Hero's range for opening BTN has more speculative opens.

While betting small to medium isn't awful, Hero is going to want to pot control many turns; I think this is a good hand to check-back for both balance and because Hero will often prefer playing for only one to two bets more, as opposed to stacks.

One villain should have nut flush draw about 39% of the time, which is one of the reasons Hero will fall into the awkward position of having too much equity to want to fold to an xr, but may be getting in as worse than a 3:2 dog when we play for stacks, even on turn cards better for Hero range.

The Q was a heart and we have no hearts.

Against decent opposition indeed checking seems better than betting.

I'd rather bet flop and check back Turn. BB can still have a wide range and SB will 3-bet a lot of his good A2xxx vs BU range. Also i think population (maybe not those two solid players) will have very low check-raise frequency.

Can I also ask where do you play 5-10-20 Big O?

what hands make for good check raises here for villian?

by DoubleO k

what hands make for good check raises here for villian?

Nearly exactly the ones that have Hero's hand in trouble.

aren't those the same hands that 3-bet pre?

Depending what SB 3-bets pre. Hardly every hand that beats AK+nld+2ndnfd.

If I see SB:s hand in the showdown I make a note if he is flatting a hand he should be flatting (honestly unlikely) or a hand he should be 3-betting or folding with. Last is the most likely even if the villain is perceived as solid.

Does SB have leads on this board? I don't think this spot is that important, but I'd stress that you need to have decent hands as cback here. You can't just bet every decent hand.
