5nl Zoom: 3bet pot, BvB spot, deep

5nl Zoom: 3bet pot, BvB spot, deep

Villain is 26/22 after 50 hands

PokerStars - $0.05 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 100 BB
Hero (SB): 158.6 BB
BB: 228.4 BB
UTG: 197 BB
MP: 119.8 BB
CO: 111.4 BB

Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has J A

fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, BB raises to 9 BB, Hero calls 6 BB

Flop: (18 BB, 2 players) 6 J 9
Hero checks, BB bets 10 BB, Hero calls 10 BB

Turn: (38 BB, 2 players) A
Hero checks, BB bets 17.2 BB, Hero raises to 40 BB, BB calls 22.8 BB

River: (118 BB, 2 players) 7
Hero has 100bb left and is wondering what the best line of action is

28 January 2024 at 02:03 PM

5 Replies

raise turn bigger so the SPR OTR is not so awkward, block river and fold to jam.

by redwhirl k

raise turn bigger so the SPR OTR is not so awkward, block river and fold to jam.

Fair enough on the turn sizing. How big can I realistically go on the turn and will it actually make the river easier?
For example, say I raised to 50bb instead of 40bb on the turn. Now the pot is 138bb and effective stacks are 80. Would that make the river a mandatory shove regardless of the card?

(As played I did end up block betting and folding to the jam after tanking for a very long time)

Block bet otr seems correct.

We want to raise bigger ott in general imo, not necessarily because of what the pot will be otr. You pretty much minraised ott so you aren't really denying that much equity.

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by redwhirl k

raise turn bigger so the SPR OTR is not so awkward, block river and fold to jam.

was going to say exact same thing.

This is fold or 4bet pre esp at nl5 where ppl won't 3bet enough bvb.

River hand is strong enough to jam he can't have that many flushes with A and J on the board. You can block bet if you think he folds Ax to jam.
