NL10 rush third set SRP IP facing turn XR and river XR 200 bb deep
Normally I would be 3betting here HJ vs UTG even 200 bb deep, but anyways decided to cold call as I knew there were pretty squeeze happy players left to act... Afterwards, I'm not sure I like my river bet, I know this should theoretically be a check-back most of the time, but these stakes you get calls from weaker pretty often and check-raise bluffs are pretty rare. Any opinions apart from 3betting pre? I thought it was kind of weird villain gave up their betting lead OTR, but sure they are then giving me the opportunity to bluff my missed FD's or go too thin.
5 Replies
... Afterwards, I'm not sure I like my river bet, I know this should theoretically be a check-back most of the time, but these stakes you get calls from weaker pretty often and check-raise bluffs are pretty rare...
I agree with this statement and based on it we should bet/fold on the river.
why would you be happy to face squeeze with JJ I wonder what your thought process was
wp postflop, 3bet pre lol.
In addition, the two 100 bb players left behind I have history with and I would've been happy to 4-bet their squeeze and call their 5bet jam.