Ideas to fix mental game issue

Ideas to fix mental game issue

For a while now I've had a mental game issue where I never feel like playing when i'm winning. I start playing, win between half a buyin to 2 buyins and have strong urges that i have not yet resisted, to quit my session. I might be 5 minutes in, it doesn't matter. I'm also quite reluctant to play in general when I've been winning/running good. I think it's because emotionally I'm very tied to my results, so I feel better when I know poker is going well and worse if it isn't. I also know that run bad in poker can happen any time, and I kind of dread it.

I know one of the reasons and something that could help fix it is if I stop looking at my graph, because I'm quite obsessive about looking at it at times lol... So i plan to attempt to only look at it once a week, or if i can manage it longer, like once a month.

I was wondering if anyone else has had similar issues and if they have gotten past it, how?

Thanks in advance!

06 September 2024 at 03:04 PM

31 Replies
