Anybody heard of this site? If yes, how is it?
Not in any particular order:
Misleading RB, cash drop, and other promo advertising.Lack of transparency when it comes to PVI.Lack of transparency when it comes to GG Care flipout triggers.Weekly withdrawal limits (makes you think they are Full Tilting their customers' money).Prop bet chip dump and fish buffet scams not properly investigated (or completely ignored) despite reports.Security team doing **** all about superuser allegations until a full media circus develops around it.Site crashes, especially on Sundays.Slowing the game down by not giving players the opportunity to decline or accept RIMT's or EV cashouts by default.Very loosely interpreted TOS's when it comes to 'bum hunting'.Reg table rake is absurd.The HUD is buggy and you can pretty easily manipulate your owns stats.Daily leaderboard race account sharing is rampant and nothing seems to be done about it.Pokercraft not showing post rake results.
I'm sure I'm missing something but running out of time and energy for now....