Folding vs 3-bets (optimal and minimum %)
For simplicity sake: The scenario is Zone poker without info on villian
-Theoretically speaking what is the optimal fold to 3bet %?
-What is the maximum fold to 3bet % for a nitty player which may be exploitable, but not severely?
Crunching some numbers, it appears 66+,A9s+,KTs+,QTs+,AJo+ have the most equity vs a combination of tight and loose 3bet ranges.
Would you put hands like J9s, T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s before any of these hands, like say AJo?
Would this be a decent range + 3bet defense on the cut-off:
18% PFR
52% fold to 3bet

Thanks for your help!
1 Reply
Hello. Interesting thread, I have a question, in order not to play so linear, the defense range of the 3 bet does not depend on the opponent's 3bet? because I read here that you have to defend 45% but if we face an opponent who 3bets 4% with vpip/pfr of 18/14, it is not advisable to have an open raise of 100% to steal the blinds and fold to the 3bet 80 %?