Hello guys! I've been playing at GG Poker's Room for almost 1-2 weeks.
I have a lot of doubts about the PokerCraft Tool.
What GG Poker is showing in the EV-Graph does not consider the Rake... so here is my question:
- How do I know how much rake I've paying so far.
My stats are "good" but I don't know if Im really "beating or doing good" at this level.

My Bankroll is growing (not much but constantly) and I still dont know if I'am doing good.

PT4 and HM3 are showing me a lot of errors while importing hands so I did an Excel with the hand and this is what I get.

18K hands play.
NL5 - Rush and Cash
4 tables at a time.
25 hours and 3 minutes of play.
Winning 6,30 BB/100.
55,08 USD$ Win/Loss.

Look at this chart:

Therefore and considering all of this.. I don't know if to continue playing at this level or what.. because I think RAKE IS KILLING ME!
I read a post a few days ago that GGpoker is doing like between 8-12 bb/100 as RAKE! So that makes my winnings total ****!
Please comments 😀

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30 October 2020 at 05:16 PM

4 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

how you can have that winrate just with 55$ on 18 k hand ? This is my month and I've got how is your calculation?

Easiest thing to do is get a tracker - HoldemManager or PokerTracker4 and import your results. There you'll see your real results (I assume you're actually down or winning after rakeback) , how much rake you pay in BB/100 and also detailed stats.

Or just check your actual balance, take out the rakeback and compare that to PokerCraft. Everything in between will be rake

And yeah, GGPoker rake is quite insane. Wouldn't recommend it for microstakes, especially if you have access to different sites.

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GG rake is high yes.
