Maybe the highest win rate in the history of online micro stakes poker?

Maybe the highest win rate in the history of online micro stakes poker?


At the start of the year, I decided to play some NL10 poker. Now bear in mind that I've been a professional player for over a decade so obviously I was expecting to crush these games but after about 50k hands I noticed that I was winning way more than expected. Probably variance I thought, so let's see what happens after 100k hands. After this sample (and now close to 200K) the win rate is consistent at 18.09bb/100 with a win session /day ratio of around 85%.

Now I plan to continue playing these stakes until I've played 1 million hands. It's become a bit of a challenge, Can I make it 20bb/1000 over 1 million hands? let's see.

What do you think? Is this the highest long-term win rate ever recorded at micro stakes?

Also, for the micro stakes players out there, feel free to ask me anything and what can you do to improve.

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26 June 2023 at 12:13 PM

7 Replies

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So what happened to this challenge? Did OP waste a 1000 hours to see whether he beat micros for 20BB?

Can't believe I missed this gem the first time around.

Larp thread.

I know I am bumping an old thread. Came across this in a Google search looking something up but the difficulty of microstakes is way overrated by egos who don’t want to admit they aren’t that good at poker.

Wait on value and make sure to get paid the max when you have it, tag and exploit over aggressive players and bluff at pots no one else seems interested in.

It’s the same up to about 50nl. I play micro stakes to pay down credit cards and to buy things on my wish list so I don’t have to spend my own money.

Blackrain79’s Crushing the Microstakes will work for as long as humans are the players microstakes.

by Fred k


At the start of the year, I decided to play some NL10 poker. Now bear in mind that I've been a professional player for over a decade so obviously I was expecting to crush these games but after about 50k hands I noticed that I was winning way more than expected. Probably variance I thought, so let's see what happens after 100k hands. After this sample (and now close to 200K) the win rate is consistent at 18.09bb/100 with a win session /day ratio of around 85%.

Now I plan to continue playing th

how is the project going ?

I imagine he's broken through the atmosphere at this point

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You should try GG 25ante - I know a guy with double digits ev winrate there.

I'd be interested to see what the rec count that you get at 10nl is?
