AJs BTN 3Bet vs CO

AJs BTN 3Bet vs CO

$0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players

Hero (BTN): $11.07 (110.7 bb)
SB: $13.65 (136.5 bb)
BB: $13.91 (139.1 bb)
UTG: $21.33 (213.3 bb)
MP: $9.65 (96.5 bb)
CO: $11.90 (119 bb)

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.15) Hero has J A
2 folds, CO raises to $0.20, Hero raises to $0.75, 2 folds, CO calls $0.55

Flop: ($1.65, 2 players) A K 2
CO checks, Hero bets $0.94, CO calls $0.94

Turn: ($3.53, 2 players) Q
CO checks, Hero checks

River: ($3.53, 2 players) 5
CO bets $1.76, Hero folds

Opponent information: Only 66 hands.
Stats: 38/22

Flop: Should I choose a higher sizing here?

Turn: I think the check is weak, after the fact.

River: Flush arrives. Think fold is a good option here.

02 January 2024 at 03:52 PM

9 Replies

I'm not folding.

I also prefer a smaller sizing OTF.

Probably underbluffed but IÂ’d be concerned about folding to AJ/AT.

i prefer b33, b75-100, check back river.

as played for that size i'm kinda indifferent, leaning towards fold w no diamond.

Why go smaller on the flop? Why would you want to keep villain’s range wide here? Are we afraid that villain has AK without a 4bet?In addition to villain having some Ax, KQ, KJ and maybe even K10 suited here, there are flush draws, straight draws and combo draws we can get value from here while we also have a straight draw/blocker to. It to mention QQ, JJ which may stick around.

The check on the river is a big mistake. Villain certainly could have a set of Q here or even KQ but I’d still bet 60-70% to get value from draws, lower Ax and KJ. If you get raise you can fold…

On the river I check back and assess. Considering both A and k of diamonds are gone, what hands call a 3bet oop and 2 streets with a diamond draw? QJ maybe J10? I would be curious the problem is dude could just be bet/folding KQ or QQ.

As played though, because of your check on the turn, and considering you only need to be right 25% of the time…and the pot is small.

by silky28 k

Why go smaller on the flop? Why would you want to keep villain’s range wide here? Are we afraid that villain has AK without a 4bet?

the main reason we want to go smaller otf is since it's a 3bp, the spr is relatively low compared to an srp. If we take a relatively common b33, b125, b75 (or similar with some variation) line we get stacks in otr, and that's our main goal with strong value. it's in an srp with polarized ranges that we can actually find some overbets otf.

haven't actually run it, but b33 and b50 are probably super similar in EV anyways.

The range bet with a small size looks well on this flop.

Call on the river after check-check on the turn.

Yep, line + bet size are the metrics to look at. I dont' mind checking turn for this exact eventuality.

Small on the flop for sure, and have the option to bet the turn and get a free showdown, rather than get into this kind of bluffcatching spot.

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