SB QJs 3Bet vs CO

SB QJs 3Bet vs CO

$0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players

BTN: $16.73 (167.3 bb)
Hero (SB): $10.00 (100 bb)
BB: $12.68 (126.8 bb)
UTG: $14.24 (142.4 bb)
MP: $8.56 (85.6 bb)
CO: $24.49 (244.9 bb)

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.15) Hero has J Q
2 folds, CO raises to $0.30, fold, Hero raises to $1.20, fold, CO calls $0.90

Flop: ($2.50, 2 players) T 7 8
Hero bets $1.16, CO calls $1.16

Turn: ($4.82, 2 players) 4
Hero checks, CO bets $2.41, Hero folds

Information on the opponent:

Flop: Should I bet here with low equity since the hand plays hard even so OOP on the flop?

02 January 2024 at 03:59 PM

7 Replies

Not exactly great flop for SB imo. I don't feel like I have great FE with a cbet on flops like this.

I don't mind a x/c OTF vs b50 or less.

don't love the cbet otf, feel like it doesn't filter their range much. should be checking a large portion of our range i think.

I would guess the flop is as close to a range check as you can get, and this hand doesn't seem like a good choice anyway. CO isn't going to fold much of anything, and you never get a good runout for your hand.

The flop does not favor any player, both have sets at non full frequency. The multiple draws I imagine make overpairs in SB range a bit less dominant. We should check or bet small, like $0.80.

Once CO calls flop they're unlikely to have a very strong hand, I expect microstakes players to always raise sets and 78 on the flop. Sometimes they don't 4bet JJ or QQ but you block that. So, I think betting the turn bug and eventually shoving blank rivers is a thing.

by boulgakov k

The flop does not favor any player, both have sets at non full frequency. The multiple draws I imagine make overpairs in SB range a bit less dominant. We should check or bet small, like $0.80.

Once CO calls flop they're unlikely to have a very strong hand, I expect microstakes players to always raise sets and 78 on the flop. Sometimes they don't 4bet JJ or QQ but you block that. So, I think betting the turn bug and eventually shoving blank rivers is a thing.

Would it be suicidal to x/r the flop here? I mean he has 2 over cards plus a gut shot and a back door straight draw plus it might get villain to fold a pair or an Ax or Kx holding that hero is behind.

by silky28 k

Would it be suicidal to x/r the flop here? I mean he has 2 over cards plus a gut shot and a back door straight draw plus it might get villain to fold a pair or an Ax or Kx holding that hero is behind.

while it's not a terrible candidate off of draws (we don't have the bdfd though) alone, we want to make sure we aren't overbluffing in our x/r range. while this is a flop we can check at a pretty high frequency, our x/r value range is going to consist of straights, sets, and overpairs that we didn't cbet, which means that it's going to be pretty small. (let's only check half of these, we reach 2 straight combos, 12 combos of overpairs, and 4.5 combos of sets for 18.5 combos.

since it's a 3bp we have to x/r for a pretty small size, which means we want to be bluffing maybe 25-33% of our range for like 6-9 combos. we want to be semibluffing with hands that have the most equity, so combo draws/hearts. we probably have to call some heart combos in order to not be overbluffing, which means if we x/r something like QJss we're significantly overbluffing, which would be super exploitable if noticed.

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