Triple Barrel bluff?

Triple Barrel bluff?

was he bluffing

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: 29.5 BB
CO: 95 BB
BTN: 100 BB
Hero (SB): 100.5 BB
BB: 67.5 BB
UTG: 105 BB

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 6 6

fold, MP calls 1 BB, CO raises to 3.5 BB, fold, Hero calls 3 BB, fold, fold

Flop: (9 BB, 2 players) 3 A J
Hero checks, CO bets 4.5 BB, Hero calls 4.5 BB

Turn: (18 BB, 2 players) 8
Hero checks, CO bets 13.5 BB, Hero calls 13.5 BB

River: (45 BB, 2 players) T
Hero checks, CO bets 73.5 BB and is all-in


03 January 2024 at 05:03 AM

11 Replies

Fold preflop, fold flop, fold turn, fold river. Hard to find hand that you beat, he also cloud bluff with stronger hand.

Preflop they ISO so they have an range that usually looks like an UTG or HJ opening range. If HJ was a really bad fish calling would make sense but they're so short that I doubt it.

Flop you're facing b50 on a board that's pretty bad for you. You don't have to meet MDF and can probably fold all your pocket pairs since they only have 2 outs against value while having poor equity versus bluffs. Half pot makes me think your opponent isn't betting their entire range, so they probably won't have something like 88. If you have a solver/trainer definitely look at responses to flop cbets. Even if you're playing very exploitatively it's rare you should call flop if it's losing in GTO and this certainly isn't the spot.

On the turn their b75 is somewhat polarized and you shouldn't expect hands like KJ or QQ often, mostly AQ+ for value and various bluffs like gutshots with a heart, maybe some air and low pocket pairs. After calling the flop TT is probably the worst hand you'll have (hands like KQ/QT are better because you draw to the nuts).

On the river you both make plenty of very strong hands like flushes/straights while still having sets and 2p. If you think about their turn bluffs, almost all of them at least pair with the T. Unless they blasted a ton of garbage/low pockets they can't bluff enough without using a lot KT/QT/T9 with a heart and 8x or low pockets.

So, "was he bluffing"?

Even if I told you the answer was unequivocally yes, you should still fold. 2nl players are probably missing some of the bluffs here, and they triple barrel shoved so I'd be feeling really bad with a hand like AJ

Probably not, but it doesn’t matter here, this isn’t the hand to bluffcatch with

I mean, who cares if he was…you want to bluff catch when villain can have the flush, nut straight and weaker straight when he was the pre-flop raise, bet every street and could also be bluffing with a hand that beats yours.

Sometimes you gotta just let it go!

fold is the correct option for all 4 decisions

Jam the flop so he can't bluff you.

just check fold the flop dude. you are SPEWING

You mined for a set. No set - you fold flop.

What do we think about a 3-bet preflop. (Bluff).

Prob still would give up if called on a flop like this.

by Count Nelson k

What do we think about a 3-bet preflop. (Bluff).

Prob still would give up if called on a flop like this.

i think we can at a very low freq, but i prefer set mining at 2NL due to villain's tendency to overplay medium-strong hands

★ Recommended Post

great calls - lol
