QQ on K44 in 4bet pot facing flop raise

QQ on K44 in 4bet pot facing flop raise

I was very confused by this hand. I do not have much info on villain other than he seems like a reg - I have seen him on the tables in other sessions, and his iso seems like he's at least trying to get into hands with the recreational player.

I believe his preflop calling range is something around {JJ-99,AQs-AJs,KQs,AQo, QQ (~50% of the time),AKs,AKo,AJo,KQo (50% of the time)}, but that's just a guess.

On the flop I can see an argument to check here, but then again it's a 4bet pot and this might be the sort of board where I should be betting 100% of my range (is that about right? GTO+ seems to think so).

My thought process in this hand was that (1) he rarely has AK because he probably just jams it pre, but (2) if he DOES have AK then he won't raise it on the flop. So this to me makes his flop raise really weird. I don't know how to interpret this. In hindsight, I suppose he can wake up here with slowplayed KK+, and probably also does this with AK if he's a weaker player and overvaluing/not thinking about my range being super weighted to value on this board.

PokerStars - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

UTG: 171.9 BB
MP: 100 BB
CO: 68.8 BB
BTN: 101.5 BB
SB: 127.5 BB
Hero (BB): 100 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has Q Q

fold, MP raises to 2.5 BB, fold, BTN raises to 9 BB, fold, Hero raises to 24 BB, fold, BTN calls 15 BB

Flop: (51 BB, 2 players) 4 4 K
Hero bets 16.1 BB, BTN raises to 34.2 BB, Hero???

10 January 2024 at 08:10 AM

4 Replies

I think you can bet smaller, the pot is very big and the flop as dry as it can be. I would just fold to the raise, you have all the AK, KK, AA in the world and this guy still raises. Maybe they just click buttons and we get bluffed out of the best hand, but that would be pretty random and not very likely. For what it's worth, they can still have AA or KQs here sometimes in solverland.

seems like a pretty straightforward fold, especially without a diamond.


Flop sizing is fine

BTN mostly defends by calling here. Vs a raise QQ mixes between shove, call and fold in equal portions.

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BU is supposed to trap some AA pre and that would be a logical (to 10nl player) hand to min-raise flop. They'll have some draws but not many that think we fold out Kx to this pitiful raise. We don't have to fight this one. QQ not supposed to make much on this board.
