Facing a turn jam with KK NL10

Facing a turn jam with KK NL10

Hope the above image worked.

Wondering what people's thoughts are about the above hand. Names have been anonymised.

The main factors are that we are both nearly 160BBs deep and that they called my 3 bet. I felt at the time that I would only be losing to AA or 55, and didn't consider AA to be likely as they elected not to 4 bet. I did feel it was possible they could do this with 88 - QQ, they seemed relatively loose up until that point.

13 January 2024 at 12:38 PM

5 Replies

You can't get away here without a serious read...

So you have to call 9.64 into a pot of 24.09? There's no way you can fold there.

HJ's value range is 87s, 76s, 77, 55, and overpairs. You beat all overpairs, except slow-played AA. Villain can also easily be bluffing FD combos of broadway, A4, T9, etc. or the gutshot. You easily have the ~30% equity you need against that range.

AA v KK. Not worth any worry time

★ Recommended Post

Super helpful, cheers all!
