AA vs river xr

AA vs river xr

100nl on Global

Hero opens CO 2.5x with AA, BB (unknown so likely a weak reg/fish) calls 110bb eff

Flop (5.5bb)
Villain XC vs 1.8bb

Turn (9.1bb)
Villain XC vs 9.1bb

River (27.3bb)
Villain XR to 44bb vs 20bb leaving ~50bb behind

Solver seems to strongly prefer shoving, not sure if that's accurate since they should only use a jam themselves

14 January 2024 at 05:38 AM

6 Replies

I like sizing a little smaller on the turn, like 3/4 pot ; because although it's not that awful of a card, villain has more 2x than you do ; and potting a paired board may scare more draws than you'd wish to. Then I like overbetting the river.

Then, solver is playing itself. Unless solver is a weak reg/fish, solver's output isn't that relevant.

why the small riv bet? your hand is strong enough to go for OB.

if you’re getting sick odds and u could possibly beat value (KT) just pay.

I can't fold. Jamming too optimistic

by redwhirl k

why the small riv bet? your hand is strong enough to go for OB.

if you’re getting sick odds and u could possibly beat value (KT) just pay.

Yeah OB is definitely better.

OTR the choice is call or jam.

I would overbet the turn.

idk if call or jam the river is better since these spots hardly come up.

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I would call, you'll probably lose, but you're getting a good price.
