Pair + Combodraw

Pair + Combodraw

GG Poker - $0.05 Ante $0.02 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP+2: 200 BB
CO: 348.6 BB
BTN: 228 BB
SB: 202.4 BB
Hero (BB): 234.4 BB
UTG: 207.2 BB
UTG+1: 202.4 BB
MP: 66.2 BB
MP+1: 196.6 BB

9 players post ante of 0.4 BB, SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 5 BB) Hero has T 8

fold, fold, MP calls 1 BB, fold, fold, CO raises to 2 BB, fold, SB calls 1.6 BB, Hero calls 1 BB, MP calls 1 BB

Flop: (11.6 BB, 4 players) 8 9 7
SB checks, Hero bets 3.6 BB, fold, CO raises to 7.2 BB, fold, Hero raises to 28 BB, CO calls 20.8 BB

Turn: (67.6 BB, 2 players) 4
Hero checks, CO checks

River: (67.6 BB, 2 players) A
Hero checks, CO bets 23 BB, fold

What is the best line here? I know that Villain likes to use inforaises (aka a small raise in order to see where he's at with his hand). So I give him on the flop mostly an overpair, which probably doesn't want to face a 3bet.

After the 3bet, I don't know exactly what to do next. I often see myself against another flush draw here, whereas my pair has solid showdownvalue. Of course, the most likely scenario is a flush draw with an Ace, which is why I folded on the river.

16 January 2024 at 10:22 AM

2 Replies

A few things:

  • Assuming that your raise OTF was to realise fold equity now; true that a 3bet makes it awkward for all the overpairs OTF, but how often is that a pure fold for the villain? Unless it's 50% of the time, your 3bet sizing seems -EV. And 50% seems high for your average micro villain.
  • OTF, you have 57% equity against 77+. Why do you want to fold out overpairs or bloat the pot now? If you expect a small raise from the CO, then you can expect to realise that 57% cheaply if you x/c
  • OTR, if you expect majority combo draws, why is it narrow to As? Wouldn't QJs+ play the same way? Unless you have stats that villian only value bets river; with the small sizing, I think their betting range in this spot is wider than you think.

On balance, my line would have been x/c all 3 streets against small sizing, bet for value if I improve, and re-evaluate if I don't improve against large sizing.
As played, I would call that river size, targeting all draws and 22-55.

★ Recommended Post

Trouble with a draw like this multiway is if you play it fast you're going to get action from strong ranges that have good odds

If main villain likes to bet for info, why not attack his overly weak stabbing range with a XR? As good as our draw is we're still looking for fold equity amap.
