Hand review: will he ever get off that set? should I just fold flop?

Hand review: will he ever get off that set? should I just fold flop?

Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker HUD and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.05(BB)
BTN ($8.86) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 2]
SB ($23.85) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 2]
HERO ($6.49) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 14.9% | AGG: 36.4% | Flop Agg: 43.3% | Turn Agg: 32.5% | River Agg: 31.8% | 3Bet: 6.8% | 4Bet: 6.4% | Cold Call: 14.3% | Hands: 8222]
UTG ($6.80) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 2]
HJ ($7.30) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]
CO ($6.53) [VPIP: 100% | PFR: 100% | AGG: 66.7% | Flop Agg: 100% | Turn Agg: 100% | River Agg: 0% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 1]

Dealt to Hero: 7 A

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Raises To $0.13, BTN Folds, SB Folds, HERO Calls $0.08

Hero SPR on Flop: [22.71 effective]
Flop ($0.28): 2 6 5
HERO Checks, CO Bets $0.10 (Rem. Stack: $6.30), HERO Raises To $0.30 (Rem. Stack: $6.06), CO Calls $0.20 (Rem. Stack: $6.10)

Turn ($0.88): 2 6 5 8
HERO Checks, CO Bets $0.60 (Rem. Stack: $5.50), HERO Raises To $1.79 (Rem. Stack: $4.27), CO Calls $1.19 (Rem. Stack: $4.31)

River ($4.46): 2 6 5 8 K
HERO Bets $4.27 (allin), CO Calls $4.27 (Rem. Stack: $0.04)


CO shows: 5 5

CO wins: $12.78

16 January 2024 at 12:09 PM

4 Replies

Fold pre

Don't hate the flop xr vs B33 but fold probably best.

Don't see the point in check raising a BD draw only to check when it gets there. Keep betting.

I'd give up river holding a 7 and a diamond. We don't want to block 76 and 87.

Side note: Work on your stats. PFR, 3Bet and 4Bet are all way too low.

A7o is a pure preflop fold vs a CO open, fold preflop unless you have a very good reason.

As played call on the flop is a bit better I think, although raising with your backdoor draws is certainly OK also.
As played I would bomb the turn, it's a very good card for your range.
I think river is just spew with no club in your hand. Would be OK maybe if you had Ac instead?

You won't get rich trying to make people fold sets (this is to answer your question in the title, of course we did not know they had a set during the hand 😀 )

Thanks for the fast input, am at the very beginning of my poker journey, the help is much appreciated!
Btw, is there like a limit on how many hand reviews we are supposed to post here each day or something?

★ Recommended Post
by marmiku k

Btw, is there like a limit on how many hand reviews we are supposed to post here each day or something?

I'd say around 3
