Not sure if this was the best line to take
5NL Online Cash Game
Hero : 160bb
Villain: 40bb
Hero: BTN w/ 77cs
UTG limps in
Folds to BTN
Hero : Raises 3bb
SB Calls
BB Calls
UTG folds
FLOP: 2A9r
SB Checks
BB Checks
Hero: Bets 1/2 Pot (5bb)
SB Folds
BB Calls
Turn: As
BB Shoves
Hero: Calls
BB AAA22 Full House
3 Replies
The flop is dry, your hand is not worth much but you might take the pot now and deny them their equity if they missed it: you should bet smaller, there is nothing 5BB accomplishes that 3B doesn't accomplish.
Turn is just spew.
Check flop.
Fold turn ap.
★ Recommended Post
Folds on the turn in these situations will save you a lot of money.