200z - Top 2 vs. double pot
Ignition - $2 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
SB: 163.81 BB
BB: 186.95 BB
UTG: 90 BB
MP: 366.88 BB
CO: 203.48 BB
Hero (BTN): 107.77 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K♣ Q♠
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.5 BB, fold, BB calls 1.5 BB
Flop: (5.5 BB, 2 players) 2♦ 5♠ 4♥
BB checks, Hero checks
Turn: (5.5 BB, 2 players) K♠
BB bets 5.23 BB, Hero calls 5.23 BB
River: (15.95 BB, 2 players) Q♦
BB bets 15.16 BB, Hero?
If we raise, can we call a jam?
18 Replies
Is this a real question? Its a 100% raise and a snapcall…
Would hardly say we’re snap calling
I’d raise for value against Kx 2 pair and then guess we’re priced in to call a jam
I would raise small. Definitely not calling if we get jammed on. Villain has all the flopped sets and straights if he jams. He would not jam worse 2pair
I would just call OTR. The B100-B100 sizing's are pretty close to GTO and when the turn card is better for IP PFR it's underbluffed.
I'd probably just call against an unknown. I'm not sure what worse hands a raise is going to get called by to offset the times you lose to straights and sets.
Vilain sized to get value from KJ, KT, K9, maybe Qx ss. He cannot have AK.
Maybe in the 200nl meta people value bet KJ like that. But even then, vilain has more hands that beats us then value hands that we beat.
Curious how solver sees this spot.
Yea you guys are right. I said raise bc I was thinking get value from 54, K5, K4, but I think now that is not good
A3 is a killer. Sure he probably 3bets the suited combos and might fold the offsuits. But 12 combos that vilain can often have is a lot of combos here.
Looks like someone's making up for lost value and it aint us
Wow - so much bad advice in here.
If this is not a 100% raise on the river I will quit poker…
lol at all the rivercallers (after calling please have a look under your bed and feed the monster there)
sizings too big for kx and with sets and straights u wanna get all the chips in and this is not it. even all 2p prob worth some more than pot pot in practice
shove and berate their line when they have the nuts and then berate yourself for outclicking yourself
Yea you guys are right. I said raise bc I was thinking get value from 54, K5, K4, but I think now that is not good
Well I agree with you originally.
Worse 2 pair can call a river raise. Even Kx doesn’t always fold and we are BTN v BB.
Surprised to see we have narrowed their range to A3 and sets just because he pot pot.
I feel like we are saying don’t raise because if he jams we’re in a spot. When he isn’t always going to jam
Wow - so much bad advice in here.
If this is not a 100% raise on the river I will quit poker…
lol at all the rivercallers (after calling please have a look under your bed and feed the monster there)
Respectably k, your argument would have more weight if it wasn't mostly 'lol y'all fish'
Pio doesn't raise much at all here:
If we're deviating that is excellent. But we need good specific reasons. Are you expecting IRL villains to overplay 2p here? And massively overcall to our shove? I think some players will fold worse even @ micros. Pio even starts folding 444, whereas I'd guess most 200nl players/recs wouldn't.
This spot seems much more nuanced than 'max out thin val'
He has 20+ combos that beat you hard to find that many weaker hands that call a riase unless you min raise. Call seems standard.
Calling such rivers is the reason why you have 2-3bb/100 and not 8-10bb/100
Do you offer coaching?
FWIW I wouldn't raise river