MDA for fish donk in xc xc line

MDA for fish donk in xc xc line

how much are they overbluffing/underbluffing in:

1. flush completing rivers
2. board pairing rivers
3. brick rivers

24 January 2024 at 01:38 AM

1 Reply

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Poker is way too nuanced to be grouping them this crudely.

There are massive differences between board pairing rivers and even flush completing rivers.

Let's take flush completing rivers for example:

Which FCR is stronger in the xc-xc-donk line? A 2-tone flop or a rainbow flop?


Rainbow flop - because Fish will XR the flop more often on 2tone with their FD but will usually x/c with backdoor FDs. That means BDFD's are stronger because he has more flushes in his range. The Rainbow boards with flush completing rivers have 6% less bluffs than 2tone boards
