[MICRO] 10 NL Turn raise from V followed by river check
Thoughts on (1) calling V's turn raise, and (2) what sort of range do we put V on when he checks river? IMO in this pool flush draws on turn are leading out on river when flush completes a majority of the time (maybe 60-70%?)--if that's true, does jamming make sense on river to try to get folds from sets/two pair or is that suicide against a fishier micros V? I don't actually like the Ace on the river because fish with sets/two pair might think I am jamming here with a good Ace that gets there.
Ignition - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BB: 70.1 BB
UTG: 91.5 BB
CO: 99.9 BB
Hero (BTN): 104.2 BB
SB: 144.1 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K♥ Q♥
fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, SB calls 2.5 BB, BB calls 2 BB
Flop: (9 BB, 3 players) 2♥ 6♠ Q♠
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets 4.3 BB, SB calls 4.3 BB, fold
Turn: (17.6 BB, 2 players) 7♣
SB checks, Hero bets 11 BB, SB raises to 30.4 BB, Hero calls 19.4 BB
River: (78.4 BB, 2 players) A♠
SB checks, Hero ???
3 Replies
I don't know ignition at all.
My intuition here is doing anything other than checking is lighting money on fire.
Checking: I'm rarely good here (maybe 4h5h? or random air fish bluffs at a very low frequency)
Bluffing: Lacking reads, I don't believe 80%+ of the player pool in my games (2NL & 5NL R&C on GG, which from what I understand is a similar skill level but not anonymous) is capable of folding anything that beats a queen here.
I'm pretty sure I call turn, but the more I think about that I question if I should.
When he checks river, he could be doing anything (turn spew, monster, who knows). It is a MW pot too so I'm personally not getting fancy and a Jam sounds very (i don't know a good word for this but not good). You don't need sets to fold after he checks back river, I'm not sure why you would do that when you can check for free and have a chance to win
I'm calling turn and checking river happily.

What I have for the River check back range for this line SBvsBTN after raise turn. (but filtered for srp HU so consider that)

Looks like this ends up being 2p plus so maybe a turn fold is okay if you wanna nit it up (i probably never find that fold OTT)
You don't even has a PSB left, and you're not getting a set to fold for that price. Check through and be glad he made several mistakes in his hand.