Probably misplayed KK here...thoughts?

Probably misplayed KK here...thoughts?

I think I did not play this one well on flop or turn, so thought I'd take it to the community to be appropriately scrutinised. How would you have played it differently? No reads on opponent.

31 January 2024 at 11:42 AM

6 Replies

It's important to point out you do in fact have a read on your opponent here. He started the hand with less than 100bb. That means he's almost certainly a weaker player.

With this in mind, I actually like your line post flop. The aggregate fish population will reach this flop with a number of garbage air combos that will fold to any cbet but may well stab if you bet. Most fish in general stab too often vs checks. They also bet a range that is too merged so we don't have to worry as much about missing value from medium strength hands. Even if they do XB it's no big deal. The SPR is low enough that you can comfortably get the money in over the remaining two streets anyway.

Close I think. Blocking KQ and having Kh kinda sucks, we need him shoving random FDs etc, does AQ ever play this way.

he's a broken stack, so maybe he does show up with random stuff

Bet the flop

Yes I would say the fact he has less than 100BBs to start with factored into my decision-making. Looking back, I would have preferred a c/r jam on flop, as there are lots of bad turns (Th being one of them). As played, I reckon there are probably too many value hands getting it in on turn (AK, QQ, JJ, QJ, QT) but it does feel close. Good point about blockers as well, though I felt having Kh was useful for FD equity if needed.

Disregard last point about FD equity, I confused myself there on review haha

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Bet flop vs the fish

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