Will I win this hand in the long run?

Will I win this hand in the long run?

I felt like I got lucky winning this hand. Is this approach correct?

NL Holdem 0.1(BB)
CO ($15.71) [VPIP: 17.5% | PFR: 12.3% | AGG: 38.5% | Flop Agg: 50% | Turn Agg: 28.6% | River Agg: 28.6% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 57]
BTN ($2.60) [VPIP: 68.3% | PFR: 25.4% | AGG: 51.3% | Flop Agg: 58.8% | Turn Agg: 56.5% | River Agg: 38.9% | 3Bet: 9.5% | 4Bet: 50% | Cold Call: 47.8% | Hands: 63]
HERO ($17.09) [VPIP: 25.7% | PFR: 19.9% | AGG: 48.6% | Flop Agg: 57.4% | Turn Agg: 43% | River Agg: 41% | 3Bet: 10.1% | 4Bet: 5.9% | Cold Call: 11.7% | Hands: 2176]
BB ($11.75) [VPIP: 27.3% | PFR: 19.5% | AGG: 20.5% | Hands: 77]
HJ ($10.48) [VPIP: 36.6% | PFR: 11.6% | AGG: 16.4% | Hands: 114]

Dealt to Hero: Ac Qd

HJ Folds, CO Raises To $0.25, BTN Calls $0.25, HERO Calls $0.20, BB Folds

Hero SPR on Flop: [2.76 effective]
Flop ($0.85): 2s Ah Ks
HERO Bets $0.53 (Rem. Stack: $16.31), CO Calls $0.53 (Rem. Stack: $14.93), BTN Calls $0.53 (Rem. Stack: $1.82)

Turn ($2.44): 2s Ah Ks 3d
HERO Bets $1.14 (Rem. Stack: $15.17), CO Calls $1.14 (Rem. Stack: $13.79), BTN Folds

River ($4.72): 2s Ah Ks 3d 3c
HERO Bets $4.39 (Rem. Stack: $10.78), CO Folds

HERO wins: $4.39

02 February 2024 at 11:48 PM

6 Replies

AQo is too strong to just flat from the SB preflop, you should 3bet it. Even against a tight player, they're opening from CO, they will open/call AJs, ATs, KQs... that you dominate

On the flop you're not supposed to lead into 2 players whose ranges (especially CO) crush yours. You probably got the 'recreational player' tag after this 😀 but it happened to earn you a decent pot! I really wonder what CO call/call/fold here, maybe a K?

You're virtually never getting called by worse on the river here so you're bluffing, but the size isn't really big enough to pressure much Ax.

Simplify to never donk betting at microstakes imo, including first to act multiway.

Playing in multipots, especially without a position, brings little money but a lot of difficult decisions.
So squeeze preflop is the correct play.
This way you will sometimes take the pot preflop, and if someone calls you, you will more often play HU with the initiative postflop.

Gotcha. In summary, raise preflop with the premium hand. I guess I was afraid someone had a premium pocket pair like aces or kings or queens. The other thing I need to do is not donk bet

by boulgakov k

On the flop you're not supposed to lead into 2 players whose ranges (especially CO) crush yours.

Why do you say their ranges crush mine? I’m in earlier position so I have a tighter range and therefore more likely to crush theirs.

★ Recommended Post
by erichseb k

Why do you say their ranges crush mine? I’m in earlier position so I have a tighter range and therefore more likely to crush theirs.


CO is the one who did put the last raise on the previous street, unless the flop comes 456 he has the range advantage. On AKx he's the only one to have the best hands : AA, AK, AQ (since you are not supposed to flat this), KK...
