AK vs XR-B-B

AK vs XR-B-B

BB was 38/31 over 13 hands

NL Holdem 1(BB)
CO ($102.78) [VPIP: 22.6% | PFR: 17.9% | AGG: 16.7% | Hands: 85]
BTN ($104.10) [VPIP: 12.5% | PFR: 6.3% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 32]
SB ($100) [VPIP: 14.3% | PFR: 14.3% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 29]
BB ($151.38) [VPIP: 31.8% | PFR: 22.7% | AGG: 83.3% | Flop Agg: 75% | Turn Agg: 100% | River Agg: 100% | 3Bet: 12.5% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 25% | Hands: 22]
HERO ($100)
HJ ($139.43) [VPIP: 37.5% | PFR: 33.8% | AGG: 66.7% | Hands: 85]

Dealt to Hero: K A

HERO Raises To $2.50, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Calls $1.50

Hero SPR on Flop: [17.73 effective]
Flop ($5.50): K 2 8
BB Checks, HERO Bets $1.70 (Rem. Stack: $95.80), BB Raises To $4.40 (Rem. Stack: $144.48), HERO Calls $2.70 (Rem. Stack: $93.10)

Turn ($14.30): K 2 8 8
BB Bets $18.59 (Rem. Stack: $125.89), HERO Calls $18.59 (Rem. Stack: $74.51)

River ($51.48): K 2 8 8 3
BB Bets $30.46 (Rem. Stack: $95.43), HERO ? (Rem. Stack: $44.05)

Turn is actually 0ev

06 February 2024 at 03:08 AM

6 Replies

Little DH2 tip.


Remove the Rem. Stack for Hero on the river. It gives away the fact that you



I get a little worried when people XR super dry flops, but I feel like 88 should be betting smaller (if they're going to block) and 22 should just be shipping the river.

I'm 75/25 in favor of call, but could swayed in either direction with the right data.

I'd call.

I think middle pairs are a big part of the villain XR flop range on these dry boards so I think hes very 8x heavy. I have a hard time folding it in game though.

Probably call and get shown 87.

I would call river size meks no sense.

The only thing I can think of is that he picked up a heart draw on the turn w/ something like Kh9h or KhTh and now is betting the river nervous about his kicker since you called the turn ob.

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yea would call, river size is just nonsense.
