[100NL] Tough spot

[100NL] Tough spot

[converted_hand][hand_history]iPoker - €1 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

SB: €100.00 (100 bb)
BB: €90.25 (90.3 bb)
UTG: €137.80 (137.8 bb)
MP: €156.72 (156.7 bb)
CO: €205.02 (205 bb)
Hero (BTN): €100.00 (100 bb)

SB posts €0.50, BB posts €1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: €1.50) Hero has A Q
3 folds, Hero raises to €2.50, SB raises to €11.00, BB calls €10.00, Hero calls €8.50

Flop: (€33.00, 3 players) 3 2 A
SB bets €6.00, BB raises to €19.00, Hero ?

Important note : BB is a 19/6 fish with a 4bet percentage of 3% out of 3000 hands

06 February 2024 at 08:42 PM

3 Replies

Out of 3k hands, how many times did BB raise a cbet? How aggressive are they playing postflop? Usually this type of players don't start building big pots without the goods, I doubt they're raising AJ here and you still need to worry a bit about SB.

I might be wrong (and I certainly don't play 100NL) but I would fold quite happily here.

You can fold pre, nit fish won't cold call random hands but they will call AK. If you think your hand is strong enough, just 4bet pre to kick out SB.

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I'm out. I'd fold pre as well.
