Villain puts Hero in blender with River Bluff in 225BB 3Bet Pot - Rate his/my play
PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - $0.10/$0.25 - 6 players
UTG: $19.21 (77 bb)
MP: $35.16 (141 bb)
CO: $25.00 (100 bb)
BU: $28.47 (114 bb)
SB (Hero): $27.73 (111 bb)
BB: $24.27 (97 bb)
Pre-Flop: ($0.35) Hero is SB with Q♥ 9♥
3 players fold, BTN raises to $0.60, Hero 3-bets to $2.75, 1 fold, BTN calls $2.15
Flop: ($5.75) 7♠ T♣ J♦ (2 players)
Hero bets $1.56, BTN calls $1.56
Turn: ($8.87) K♠ (2 players)
Hero bets $3.05, BTN calls $3.05
River: ($14.97) 8♠ (2 players)
Hero bets $9.22, BTN raises to $21.11 (all-in)
in hindsight, I think betting bigger on flop and turn would be ideal
Mainly interested in villains play outside of a questionable call pre. I feel he made a good play outside of that and if we were more deepstacked, I'd be unsure of the plan.
3 Replies
Q9 is kind of **** hand because you get dominated on these kind of runouts, so you can even fold pre.
AP-Turn sizing is really bad, there is a bunch of pair+draw hands that will call bigger bet, so you are jusf missing value. River maybe smaller, our hand is not that strong anymore so we want as many calls from weak 2p as we can get. His play: PF is terrible. I'm surprised to see someone bluffing river for such small raise, it's not good combo to bluff he need spade.
Throwing out his questionable preflop call, I can see the flop call and then the turn call when you go small and he has the open ender.
His river play is garbage. First, theres not enough money behind to make you fold anything except the absolute worst hands, but you dont have anything like that when you go bet bet bet, especially with the 2/3 sizing on the river.
Im guessing he was thinking he would make you fold AK/KQ, but i dont see you having many AK with this action so i dont think hes putting too much thought into it.
For your play, yea i think this is a board that when we do bet we go for a bigger sizing due to the connectedness of the board. Also for turn, i actually like your sizing bc board is getting very thin for AK and i think it exploititavely makes sense for our exact hand and maybe AQ bc we can keep in a lot of hands we're way ahead of and encourage villain to start bluffing w blocker hands like he did.