OP in 3BP with Fish

OP in 3BP with Fish

Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker Tracking Software

NL Holdem 0.5(BB)
HERO (108.4BBs)
BTN (103.1BBs) [VPIP: 22.2% | PFR: 22.2% | AGG: 14.3% | Hands: 28]
SB (399.7BBs) [VPIP: 28.6% | PFR: 21.4% | AGG: 43.8% | Hands: 28]
BB (72.4BBs) [VPIP: 33.3% | PFR: 8.3% | AGG: 23.5% | Hands: 24]
HJ (103.1BBs) [VPIP: 17.4% | PFR: 13% | AGG: 42.9% | Hands: 24]

Dealt to Hero: T T

HJ Folds, HERO Raises To 2.5BBs, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Raises To 10.1BBs, HERO Calls 7.6BBs

Hero SPR on Flop: [3.01 effective]
Flop (20.7BBs): 5 3 2
BB Bets 14.8BBs (Rem. Stack: 47.6BBs), HERO Calls 14.8BBs (Rem. Stack: 83.5BBs)

Turn (50.2BBs): 5 3 2 8
BB Bets 23.9BBs (Rem. Stack: 23.7BBs), Hero??

11 February 2024 at 05:23 AM

14 Replies

I think it's pretty close between calling or raising, the last 23.7BBs are probably going in either way.

I would probably just jam flop since he will call with all of his Ax and we are pretty screwed against overpairs no matter what. If he folds KQ or something, that is fine too.

On the turn, I just jam expecting him to call most anything that he bet.

His stack size and weird sizings make me really happy to be in this situation.

just GII OTF when they use this size

I don't see the point in gii otf. He just calls with bigger pp or AQ and you flip vs that hand.

i'd get the rest in on the turn at this point.

by Haizemberg93 k

I don't see the point in gii otf. He just calls with bigger pp or AQ and you flip vs that hand.

We are 60/40 against AsQd and 63/37 against AhQd. 60/40 and 63/37 = flips?

It's still close. Better just to call and give your self a chance to fold A and 4 turns imo.

Any chance we can fold overflop for this size?

He might be overcooking broadways but is he overcooking enough for us to start elevating BCs to value hands?

Fish/shortstack 3b ranges can be tight. Personally i suspect TT functions more as a setmine in this specific (3b/bomb) scenario.

by Ceres k

Any chance we can fold overflop for this size?

He might be overcooking broadways but is he overcooking enough for us to start elevating BCs to value hands?

Fish/shortstack 3b ranges can be tight. Personally i suspect TT functions more as a setmine in this specific (3b/bomb) scenario.

Interesting point. We're behind FDs he'd 3bet pre, and the ones we want to see I doubt he's 3betting pre.

We need him to be 3betting 66-99 pre, which I doubt this V is doing

In theory prob a turn jam pretty often, but lower stakes BB 3b ranges are rarely anywhere close to GTO. I think your avg villain in this pool will be much more weighted to JJ+ than they should be, and especially a fish choosing a reasonable 3b sizing and betting that big OTT with so little behind

Thanks for the replies

This one is tough because I think reasons for any action can be justified.

Turn is very clear jam. He must call you off with almost every bluff.

by Haizemberg93 k

Turn is very clear jam. He must call you off with almost every bluff.

In theory he should. In reality I don’t think this guy is bluffing in this spot or knows what pot odds are.

Either way we’re handcuffed really and either gii turn or call off river

★ Recommended Post
by Ceres k

Any chance we can fold overflop for this size?

He might be overcooking broadways but is he overcooking enough for us to start elevating BCs to value hands?

Fish/shortstack 3b ranges can be tight. Personally i suspect TT functions more as a setmine in this specific (3b/bomb) scenario.

This might be true on ROW sites, but this is sports bettor spewmonkey central. He used his slider for his 3bet sizing and is shortstacked. He can have 97o.

Folding TT here is a colossal punt. I am probably calling an ace or 4 turn if he jams.
