Not sure how villain made the call, what do you think of this play?
Dealt to Hero: A♣ J♣
UTG Raises To $4, HERO Raises To $15, MP Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Raises To $43, UTG Folds, HERO Calls $28
Hero SPR on Flop: [1.73 effective]
Flop ($91): 5♥ 6♥ T♣
BB Bets $21.11 (Rem. Stack: $135.89), HERO Calls $21.11 (Rem. Stack: $148.66)
Turn ($133.22): 5♥ 6♥ T♣ 3♣
BB Bets $31.97 (Rem. Stack: $103.92), HERO Calls $31.97 (Rem. Stack: $116.69)
River ($197.16): 5♥ 6♥ T♣ 3♣ 8♥
BB Checks, HERO Bets $116.69 (allin), BB Calls $103.92 (allin)
BB shows: A♥ K♣
BB wins: $402
This is on ACR I've been playing on there for a little while now, mainly MTTs but dabble in a bit of cash as well.
I guess I probably should have folded this pre. Either way, I'd like some input on this hand.
How was villain able to make this call?
5 Replies
Villain has Ah, blocking the nut flush, they also block AA and KK, and expect you to raise with those hands OTF or OTT. They also would expect you to check back JJ, maybe even QQ at some frequency. Then there are bluffs: AJ and AQ, KQ etc that missed and now try to get AK to fold. Villain only needs to win slightly more than 25% of the time when making this call.
Pure fold pre in these positions and more so vs his larger sizing
idk if we get to shove here, as AA-JJ can x/c river. bit of a strange spot though
I wouldn't post results even in spoilers and wait for a few comments before knowing the result
You absolutely have to muck this pre. Cold 4 betting ranges are extremely strong especially in this configuration and the sizing is large.
Your AcJc which is not in range - is supposed to jam turn - but I just subbed in AcQc which is in range.
It only calls this turn very small amount of time - if it calls turn - it's supposed to jam river like you did.
Ironically - he is supposed to lead jam river with the Ah blocker a lot. So well played -
Agree with fodl pre
AP-LOoks ok. His turn sizing is weird most over pairs want to jam on double FD. I don't **** his river call Kc is blocking your most natural bluffs.