flopping trips
PokerStars - $0.10 NL - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (UTG+1): 96.5 BB
MP: 100 BB
CO: 106 BB
BTN: 40 BB
SB: 155.7 BB
BB: 86.8 BB
UTG: 116.7 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 5♠ 5♥
UTG calls 1 BB, Hero raises to 3.5 BB, fold, CO calls 3.5 BB, fold, fold, fold, UTG calls 2.5 BB
Flop: (12 BB, 3 players) 6♠ T♦ 5♣
UTG checks, Hero bets 3 BB, fold, UTG calls 3 BB
Turn: (18 BB, 2 players) 4♥
UTG bets 8.6 BB, Hero calls 8.6 BB
River: (35.2 BB, 2 players) J♣
UTG bets 16.8 BB, Hero calls 16.8 BB
Do I re-raise the river/turn here?
Couldn't find alot of valuehands for the villain besides a turned straigth or better trips.
it's not the first time I tigthen up hard and start to play more passive when being donked on the turn. Def something I need to work on.
3 Replies
Raise on the turn and bet on the river.
Fish have weak donk ranges and we shouldn't be afraid of them until they start donk/reraising.
Donk on the Turn SRP:

Donk on the Turn MWP:

Play with a full stack
You’re playing against two fish, just bet flop large and play your hand. You want to play for stacks here
Bigger otf most players won't bluff riase MW flops.
When DB only 1/2 you don't need to worry too much about 78, most fish DB bigger with nuts so you can raise. Rivise same thing.