First 10,000 hands at 5NL Zoom
Hello all,
Fairly new player and looking for any feedback or tips to improve my game. I made the jump from 2NL to 5NL (which was a scary jump) and here are my first 10,000 hands.
Please let me know if i should post any additional stats that might help.

All hands were played on Pokerstars
VPIP: 20 PFR: 18 3Bet: 8.79 4Bet+: 7.97
Fold to steal: 74 3bet steal: 12.32
WTSD: 30 WWSF: 50.66
Cbet F: 51 Total AF: 2.37
7 Replies
anything can happen in a 10k sample, grind 100k hands then look at the graph imo

Don't know how the PS pool works exactly, but GG R&C easy pool exploit is stealing a lot wider when the blinds are nitty 3-bettors, which a lot of them are. Also 3-bet way more imo, especially IP. I would assume on PS you would want to 3-bet (and 4-bet) even more than on GG given the different rake structure, but not sure tbh. Obviously don't go too crazy before you're absolutely comfortable playing 3 and 4-bet pots with a wider range postflop. I was under the impression the PS player pool is generally better than GG and 'regs' (if you can call them that at NL5) have more extensive hand history with you due to the PS HUD policy, which could mean you won't get away with 3-betting 'too much' that easily. Not much could be said about your graph yet, come back after 100k hands, until then have fun playing and learning 😀
Thanks for the response friend. Will work on the 3&4 bet pot’s. Have had some success with 4 bet bluffs such as AQo and A5s (against regs) I should probably add a few more 3 bet bluffs in there!
Thanks for the response friend��. Will work on the 3&4 bet pot’s. Have had some success with 4 bet bluffs such as AQo and A5s (against regs) I should probably add a few more 3 bet bluffs in there!
Sounds great! Yeah AQo and A5s are pretty sweet 4-bet 'bluff' hands OOP, KJs, KTs etc. as well. Good idea to be a bit picky when trying to find 4-bet bluff targets in micros, but def don't listen to anyone who says you should never do that in micros. 5-bet bluff jams against aggro players with wide 4-bet ranges in addition to timing tells during the hand at some frequency are also worth considering. I think it's a good idea to start widening your 3-bet range (or doing it at a higher frequency) and include some low suited connectors, J9s, K9s and so on, sometimes low pairs and most AXs obviously. Just study off felt which of these you can continue with when facing 4-bets from players with different ranges and pick your targets carefully.
Don't pay off the nits
Any HUD stats I should be looking out for to spot them easier ? Maybe a low VPIP or even total AF?
Any HUD stats I should be looking out for to spot them easier ? Maybe a low VPIP or even total AF?
From my experience in that pool when players with VPIP/PFR of like 16/14 or lower bet on the river it's for value pretty much always. If they are not certain that they have the best hand they tend to try and get to showdown cheaply. If they're shoveling money in then beware. So if it's a dry board then they have two-pair + and if it's a wet board then they'll typically have the obvious big hand. They don't tend to semi-bluff-raise either on earlier streets. If you get raised on 8s7s3d they don't tend to have the open ended straight draw, flush draw or even combo-draw. That's because they don't like getting their money in unless they have a made hand. At worst they'll have 87s but more often than not it'll be a set.
I think a lot of these guys made it out of 2nl by waiting for nutted hands and value betting them relentlessly. At 5nl though they tend to make up a larger percentage of the pool so they're trapped just trying to cooler each other while losing to the rake. I think that's one of the biggest reason why the jump from 2nl zoom to 5nl zoom is relatively tricky - the nit/fish ratio is a lot higher.