JJ SB vs CO iso pot.

JJ SB vs CO iso pot.

I checked turn because villain was showing some aggro fish stats. Is checking turn a big mistake? I also feel flush completing turns are over folded which influenced me to check. Ap after checking im pretty sure not betting river was a big mistake. Pretty sure i should have donk jammed river.

NL Holdem 0.10(BB)
HERO (100BBs) [VPIP: 21% | PFR: 17.9% | AGG: 38.5% | Flop Agg: 45.6% | Turn Agg: 38.3% | River Agg: 31.6% | 3Bet: 8.7% | 4Bet: 10.6% | Hands: 75817]
BB (154.6BBs) [VPIP: 25% | PFR: 11.7% | AGG: 25.7% | Hands: 62]
HJ (99.4BBs) [VPIP: 22.4% | PFR: 17.9% | AGG: 23.3% | Hands: 68]
CO (153.6BBs) [VPIP: 50% | PFR: 31.3% | AGG: 70% | Flop Agg: 66.7% | Turn Agg: 100% | River Agg: 0% | 3Bet: 40% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 16]
BTN (66.9BBs) [VPIP: 56.5% | PFR: 13% | AGG: 38.9% | Hands: 24]

Dealt to Hero: J J

HJ Folds, CO Calls 1BBs, BTN Folds, HERO Raises To 5BBs, BB Folds, CO Calls 4BBs

Hero SPR on Flop: [8.64 effective]
Flop (11BBs): 4 3 J
HERO Bets 3.5BBs (Rem. Stack: 91.5BBs), CO Calls 3.5BBs (Rem. Stack: 145.1BBs)

Turn (18BBs): 4 3 J Q
HERO Checks, CO Bets 17.1BBs (Rem. Stack: 128BBs), HERO Calls 17.1BBs (Rem. Stack: 74.4BBs)

River (52.2BBs): 4 3 J Q 4
HERO Checks, CO Checks

16 February 2024 at 07:30 AM

5 Replies

First, 16 hands is too few to say anything about them being aggro fish.

I would just bet turn. You have a strong hand, bet it.

As played, since you posted that CO checked behind of course I get biased. But I think checking is the right thing. If you consider jamming, I'd guess few hands would call that wouldn't bet themselves.

Next time, stop the action before your check OTR and ask, "What would you do on river?".

Bet bigger on the flop like 7-8bb. We have a strong hand and want to build a big pot.

Even though the flush draw is closed, we can still have a value bet here.

As Played - donk looks okay on the river.

we have top of range, why get tricky? b/b/b

Looks good vs aggro fish. Donk jam good if they have really nitty check backs.

★ Recommended Post

Best spot to slow play is flop. You block so many TP hands and even fish cant have that many 4x 3x hands nut he can have a bunch of trash that can go crazy with.
AP-Its hard for him to find bluffs ott. I like betting more, some mid size like 1/2 or so. APAP-River is trivial check he bets full pot ott already saying he has really strong hand. I really dont see any hands that call donk jam but wont bet.
