Tough spot with AA on River

Tough spot with AA on River

PokerStars - C$0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: C$58.71
CO: C$26.75
Hero (BTN): C$23.30
SB: C$11.18
BB: C$50.65
UTG: C$15.72

SB posts SB C$0.10, BB posts BB C$0.25

Pre Flop: (pot: C$0.35) Hero has A A

UTG calls C$0.25, MP raises to C$0.75, fold, Hero raises to C$1.50, fold, BB calls C$1.25, fold, MP calls C$0.75

Flop: (C$4.85, 3 players) T 9 Q
BB checks, MP checks, Hero bets C$4.00, BB calls C$4.00, MP calls C$4.00

Turn: (C$16.85, 3 players) 2
BB checks, MP checks, Hero checks

River: (C$16.85, 3 players) 3
BB checks, MP bets C$8.67, Hero calls C$8.67, BB raises to C$17.34, fold

Was the check on the Turn a mistake? I was trying to control the size of the pot here to avoid the situation I ended up in.

Is this an auto call on the river given the size of the pot? Feel like there is very little chance AA are good here.

18 February 2024 at 04:20 PM

3 Replies

bigger pre, like 2.5-3.00. flop is good, turn is missed bet. idk about river bc i dont end up in this spot but its like 8.6 to win 49 so we need him to lose to AA around 18% of the time. tough spot for sure, we are under-repped though and block nf so i guess cry-call but my gut says fold.

x flop, BB and MP connect with this board really well. not that many good runouts for this hand.

★ Recommended Post

Pre is way way too small al least 9bb
Flop bet is not great idea and for this sizing is pretty bad. Once we are in this spot ott you might as well jam. Most 2p+ will just raise flop, so you are probably looking at ranges of pair+draw and some tp hands like AQ/KQ.
