ignition butchery..

ignition butchery..

Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker Tracking Software

NL Holdem 0.5(BB)
HERO ($50.98)
BB ($36.61) [VPIP: 43.3% | PFR: 16.7% | AGG: 41.7% | Flop Agg: 54.5% | Turn Agg: 37.5% | River Agg: 25% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 66.7% | Hands: 31]
HJ ($107.63) [VPIP: 50% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 28.6% | Flop Agg: 7.1% | Turn Agg: 45.5% | River Agg: 80% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 26]
CO ($50) [VPIP: 52.9% | PFR: 5.9% | AGG: 20% | Flop Agg: 22.2% | Turn Agg: 12.5% | River Agg: 50% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 17]
BTN ($57.75) [VPIP: 55.8% | PFR: 26.9% | AGG: 14.3% | Hands: 53]

Dealt to Hero: A K

HJ Calls $0.50, CO Checks, BTN Folds, HERO Raises To $4.50, BB Calls $4, HJ Calls $4, CO Calls $4

Hero SPR on Flop: [1.78 effective]
Flop ($18): 3 A K
HERO Checks, BB Checks, HJ Checks, CO Checks

Turn ($18): 3 A K T
HERO Checks, BB Checks, HJ Bets $8.55 (Rem. Stack: $94.58), CO Folds, HERO Calls $8.55 (Rem. Stack: $37.93), BB Folds

River ($35.10): 3 A K T 9
HERO Checks, HJ Bets $94.58 (allin), HERO ??

19 February 2024 at 11:55 AM

15 Replies

Sucks that we have to act first, but I would be betting the flop or turn against 3 fish.

If it's the flop, I'd go smaller. If it's the turn, I'd go big.

AP OTT - Definitely going for the XR

AP OTR - Not sure if it's over or under bluffed.

Against a guy who is 50/0/0 i'm leaning towards folding. Alarm bells should start going off once these types of players suddenly start piling money in to the pot. His sizing on the turn is pretty weak and is typical of a sizing fish use with draws, rather than made hands. What strong hand wants to bet so small on a board like that? The amount of times i've seen a 2x+ pot shove on the river against these types of players and them show up with a bluff i could probably count on a couple of fingers. I would be x/R turn. OTR i could get behind a block bet as if he does have some 2p combos , he could check them back on this river and you will only ever get raised by a flush. This is a line i'd lean towards against a fish.

The shove is for just over pot fwiw. Effective stacks were just over 100bb to start the hand. That said, I think I still agree with folding the river as played. Pot is still generally an underbluffed sizing by fish and it's difficult to imagine what he might be bluffing with in this line and on this runout. 50/0 generally indicates passivity as well. It's unlikely he's overplaying 2 pair as his turn sizing isn't consistent with that hand class and it would be very weird to half pot 2 pair on the turn and then jam for over pot on the river when the flush completes.

As for the rest of the hand:

I would just bet the flop against 3 fish.

I prefer leading turn. I'm not sure our hand is strong enough to x/r and play for stacks now when all three villains likely have all 16 combos of QJ in range, although x/r is probably still best once we face this sizing.

The whole range check flop when OOP is outdated. We need to be betting flop always.

As played bet turn

As played, call all day. He can have worse value. Fish don't understand the difference between absolute and relative value so he can be overplaying worse 2 pair.

Is there a reason why you went 9x pre?

by AskZandar k

Is there a reason why you went 9x pre?

bc fish call stupid sizes and i thought i might get atleast 1 fold for that sizing being im OOP

by DooDooPoker k

The whole range check flop when OOP is outdated. We need to be betting flop always.

As played bet turn

As played, call all day. He can have worse value. Fish don't understand the difference between absolute and relative value so he can be overplaying worse 2 pair.

my only range check is 3B HU pots OOP on 3 cards T or less.

i think i fold if i dont hold Ac

villains aggression is what lead me to check both streets (Flop Agg: 7.1% | Turn Agg: 45.5% | River Agg: 80%).

as everyone has said, bet flop or turn with my hand.

which by checking would lead our fishy overly aggro villain to exclude certain premiums from my range.

me holding Ac was a factor on river as well.

let m get there

shouldve been bullying the flush draw the whole time instead of slow play...( in hindsight since the flush got there lol)

but if the flush didnt get there you have no money for your AK

... i have been letting people get there all last week so recency bias....i am all-in on sets in tourneys since....bleep letting them get there

by No_Limit_Joker k

let m get there

shouldve been bullying the flush draw the whole time instead of slow play...( in hindsight since the flush got there lol)

but if the flush didnt get there you have no money for your AK

... i have been letting people get there all last week so recency bias....i am all-in on sets in tourneys since....bleep letting them get there

im not results oriented lol i planned the hand this way. the river is the only decision that matters to me. theres 3 fish in hand who cold call too much preflop, bet too much when checked to and fire multiple times when given opportunity.

that is exactly what im doing, playing to their weaknesses. Giving them an opportunity to call stupid big sizings preflop with a weak range, giving them opportunities to bet with that weak range and giving them opportunities to barrel off if they so choose. If they happen to get there im not going to say "ahhh shoot should of been betting or done this or that" thats being results oriented.

I decided to post this hand because its not a "GTO" spot, this is exploitative play. I read through a bunch of posts yesterday and just wanted to post a hand where we cant just run to a solver and say " this is the play". It seems like people forget sometimes that below 200NL you should be adjusting to your opps in an exploitative manner so as not to leave piles of money on the table. In 6 hours ill be able to download the HH and get all the opps cards. i planned on posting them just to see what everyone called 9bbs with. ill also post results

by thegibson k

bc fish call stupid sizes and i thought i might get atleast 1 fold for that sizing being im OOP

It seems excessive being in the worst position for a 2.5bb pot and one limper, but I was more wondering about the logic.

I would just bet the flop here. and I wouldn't fold the river.

by AskZandar k

It seems excessive being in the worst position for a 2.5bb pot and one limper, but I was more wondering about the logic.

I would just bet the flop here. and I wouldn't fold the river.

that was the logic, ive been watching them cold call 3bs and large opens regardless of postion etc. i have a clear advantage with AK so why not make it large? also CO posted small and big blind. so theres 4.5 bb ( including my small) out there. which is where the 9bb came from. it wasnt a random number. i forgot to put in OP

Pre is too big.
Even agg fish wont go too crazy in 4way pot (non of them seem super aggro), so checking just loses value from Kx and gives free cards to pp gs ect. Turn same thing there is a ton of pair+draw that will call but most likely wont bet.

by Haizemberg93 k

Pre is too big.
Even agg fish wont go too crazy in 4way pot (non of them seem super aggro), so checking just loses value from Kx and gives free cards to pp gs ect. Turn same thing there is a ton of pair+draw that will call but most likely wont bet.


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Bet flop, bet turn, as played the only thing that doesn't make this is an easy fold is you having the Ac. It probably should still be a fold, but I don't blame you for calling.
