2NL AK pre vs. pool

2NL AK pre vs. pool

I was reviewing my stats over the past 20k hands of 2 NL and wondering if AK should be an all in pre vs. pool. I'm down about 1200bb over this sample when I get all in pre. It could be a small sample size but it doesn't seem like AK is ever a favorite in these all in 5 bet situations. Sometimes I am up against 99 or TT and am flipping but the majority of the time I am facing QQ, KK, or AA.

Should I be calling 3 bets with AK and folding to 4 bets? It feels too nitty but maybe at these stakes it is the right play.

19 February 2024 at 05:38 PM

10 Replies

It isn't supposed to be a favorite when it gets all in. It's Ace high.

by AskZandar k

It isn't supposed to be a favorite when it gets all in. It's Ace high.

Ok so we expect to face QQ enough that we have pot odds to call. Do we expect to have the needed fold equity at 2NL to make this a 5bet jam?

At 25NL i make a killing off people who can't fold AK. Exploit jam vs fish over all their 4 bets w AA and KK and they call AK everytime. If you 5 bet, you give them a chance to fold. 4/5 bets at these limits have next to no bluffs whatsoever and you're looking at such a narrow range. I play 200bb deep ante games and unless i have a specific read or notes, i'm not ever getting AK in pre. My edge is too high to get in those sort of spots and shovel so much money in pre against such a tight range.

by tdammon k

Ok so we expect to face QQ enough that we have pot odds to call. Do we expect to have the needed fold equity at 2NL to make this a 5bet jam?

Too many variables.

by AskZandar k

Too many variables.

Can you elaborate please. I am just trying to beat 2 NL and it looks like preflop all in situations are my biggest leak. It might be that my sample size is a bit small or maybe I need to fix a mistake.

by tdammon k

Can you elaborate please.

There's nothing to elaborate on.

You should find a coach to help, or just find some free content on youtube and other platforms, if you don't have a grasp on basic concepts and preflop stuff.

by AskZandar k

There's nothing to elaborate on.

You should find a coach to help, or just find some free content on youtube and other platforms, if you don't have a grasp on basic concepts and preflop stuff.

Maybe someone who has played these stakes would have more data and could answer. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on preflop play but I don't know the pool tendencies

I don't want to use AK as a bluff pre especially when we have little fold equity vs. a 4 bet. But I also don't want to flat pre if we think players at this stake would jam JJ or AQ.

There are 2 reasons not to get AK all-in pre-flop at 2nl:

  • 1. You'll be up against tighter ranges than theory because a lot of villains will only get it in 100bb deep with QQ+
  • 2. Even when you're not dominated you're typically flipping and the rake will kill you

I play 2NL so I'll say something. You need to have a read to get it in preflop. Like cold 4bets and 5bets are QQ+ and sometimes only KK+. Its just how it is. But you will find more aggressive opponents where this is not true and then you have odds to play it. Mostly though without reads, its 2NL and people are passive preflop, consider that.

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