N8 .10/.25 (.10ante) 9 handed
New to online poker, I know the basics and recently started playing on N8
Can somebody please tell me how to correctly calculate bb/100? I did some quick calculation and feel like something must be way off.
I know I am on a hot streak and this is not sustainable, just trying to learn the right way to play the game. Thanks!

4 Replies
I get ~30 bb/100 hands ($2200 profit over 28000 hands and $0.25 bb). But with $0.10 ante this obviously plays bigger than it would have without the ante. What did you get?
I get ~30 bb/100 hands ($2200 profit over 28000 hands and $0.25 bb). But with $0.10 ante this obviously plays bigger than it would have without the ante. What did you get?
same here, i read on reddit that the graph is pre-rake and N8 avg about 8bb/100 rake so minus that it's ~22bb/100. i mean i don't think i am a losing player but ~22bb/100 is absurd. i don't even feel comfortable moving up to be honest
i guess another question is how many hands is a good enough sample size?
To come close to your true winrate you need a lot of hands, perhaps 200k or something, but you can move up in stakes before knowing your exact winrate. It's more about having a big enough bank roll (unless you have other funds you can replenish with) and being comfortable playing the higher stakes.
If I were you I would move up.
If this is real, then it's insane