Preflop strategy: AKo in BB

Preflop strategy: AKo in BB

Vilain is a 50/33/13 fish aggro, his CO RFI is 29.6%, his 4B rate after raise is 14.7%.

Also he folds extremely little at 3B, only 16% and I've never seen it open limp.

Winamax - €4 NL (5 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BB): 108 BB
CO: 96.47 BB
BTN: 367.5 BB
SB: 171.29 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A K

CO raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, Hero ??

What is the best play here? 3Bet 9, 11, 13+ BB? Call? Fold? Personally, I prefer call but I think it's closed.

I also wonder if 3B shove is not an option...

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21 February 2024 at 08:53 PM

54 Replies


by GTOautistic k

This is not a joke, basically it doesn't matter since we're comparing the EV of two lines, and if vilain is bad, AKo's postflop EQ realization will increase in the same proportions in the call as in 3B... but if you mean that its postflop "imperfections" will benefit 3B more due to the larger pot size than in SRP, that's true.

This is also the only valid implicit reason that makes 3B better than call, in practice, in this spot against lambda fish which underfolds 3B.

3B 20bb+ makes sense if it in

Just stop speaking nonsense. You are a micro fish who has no clue from poker at all. Listen to all the posters in here and be thankful that people are trying to help you. Everybody is laughing about you - you are the only „lambda fish“ in all your hand histories.

This is the most funniest hand - lol

if only u didnt run so bad, right

by Kendoo k

Just stop speaking nonsense. You are a micro fish who has no clue from poker at all. Listen to all the posters in here and be thankful that people are trying to help you. Everybody is laughing about you - you are the only „lambda fish“ in all your hand histories.

I personally didn't learn anything here.

Conversely I showed that EV of 3B AKo decreased against a big underfolder and that it was preferable to call in BB if the latter openraise 20-25% or less in 400NL and more.

And I don't think many people knew that.

Being a person of good and magnanimous nature, I would not expect anything in return.

Regarding your presence here, not that your interventions are not useful, full of common sense and substantive arguments but it might be time to let the adults comment on the hands [MID] and return to [MICRO] section as the rules of decency would dictate.

When everyone is in their place, the world works better that way.


by GTOautistic k

I personally didn't learn anything here.

Intelligent individuals learn from every thing and every one; average people, from their experiences. The stupid already have all the answers.


★ Recommended Post
by GTOautistic k

This is not a joke, basically it doesn't matter since we're comparing the EV of two lines, and if vilain is bad, AKo's postflop EQ realization will increase in the same proportions in the call as in 3B...

Size of cake > size of slice of cake

Other than that I'm too thick for this thread. Bye
