3rd pair vs XC-X-OB

3rd pair vs XC-X-OB

Hero opens LJ with Q8 ignore the green highlight

SB is high PFR fish, BB (reg, main villain) calls

Good river call?


Hero totally wasn't the BB and bluffing. Guessing the 3-way c-bet with air is bad

27 February 2024 at 04:38 AM

4 Replies

Yeah call vs reg and fold vs fish in this line.

I'd fold.

I think it might already be a fold HU, and it's more of a fold now since the flop was MW.

In theory we get to be more selective about calling vs overbets, and this hand probably doesn’t make the cut—mostly because the Q blocks lots of missed straight draws.

But in practice you could of course call if you had some information that villain was overbluffing this spot.

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