Questionable Turn Jam

Questionable Turn Jam

25z Ignition 6max $25 eff (100bb)

BTN ($20.62) limp
HERO ($25) SB (AcQd) raise to $1.5
BB ($25) call,
BTN fold

FLOP [Td 2d 5s] Pot: ($3.58)

HERO: Checks
BB: Bets $1.18
HERO: Calls $1.18

TURN [Td 2d 5s] [2s] Pot: ($5.8)

HERO: Checks
BB: Bets $4.36
HERO: All-in $22.05

I raised 7bb pre to punish BTN for limp pre and lower SPR immediately vs BTN, who I assumed to be a fish based on stack size, therefore likely playing too many hands and likely continuing too wide.

OTF I thought would probably be a standard call with 2 overs + BDFD and if I x/r it would be terrible to be 3b.

Turn I range check and when V b 3/4 I jam bc I think jam folds out tons of equity from his range like FDs (even though I have Qd), random pair draws, and maybe some lower pocket pairs due to the small sizing OTF and double FD turn I could picture some low pairs b75. Also I still have overpairs that probably want to jam here like JJ and QQ along with some A10, K10 that would probably like to jam for some protection.

Anyone have thoughts on this analysis/Did my thinking go wrong somewhere here? I'm trying to get better and am appreciative of any input. Thanks

28 February 2024 at 05:31 AM

4 Replies

I think vs an unknown this is slightly puntville. I'm not even sure what correct GTO strat is here for BB, but plenty of regs will cold call a snug, idk what to do condensed range.

Against the reg it's probably fine, because they're so capped, but against the station I'd wager it's losing, because we need folds with this combo. And I'd rather target the fish, attribute a fat wide calling range, and jam thin (maybe KTs+)

Not doing this vs a random who cold calls 7BB. Turn will underbluffed. Doubt you play TT, overpairs and AT/KT like this very often, you're cbetting flop targeting JJ-88, Tx

Reading your explanation for the turn jam

I jam bc I think jam folds out tons of equity from his range like FDs (even though I have Qd), random pair draws, and maybe some lower pocket pairs due to the small sizing OTF and double FD turn I could picture some low pairs b75. Also I still have overpairs that probably want to jam here like JJ and QQ along with some A10, K10 that would probably like to jam for some protection.

Nowhere does it talk about why this particular hand fits a jamming criteria. As such this logic could be used for justifying jamming your entire range.

Most importantly though your opponent limp-called pre-flop so could very well be a calling station. You're generally playing with fire trying to do this sort of things against people who may not be capable of folding a pair - since they often love to put you on ...... exactly the kind of hand that you have here.

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We don’t bluff jam calling stations - it is rarely going to be profitable. I’d rather be jamming with thin value against a station. We bluff jam vs nitty types who will over fold to big bets. But assume for a second that our villain here really is a nit and the type of player we would want to make this move against. Projection often is at work with bad players. If a nit is dealt a big hand PF (AA, KK or the like), he often projects his own thought process onto others and thinks “I want action here and if I raise they will all fold”, so he limps. He of course goes through similar thoughts once he sees the 7BB raise and just flats.

Now Mr Nit sees a flop and hero checks. Mr Nit is pretty sure he is good and hero has stopped being aggressive so Mr Nit bets. Does Mr Nit routinely bluff or stab at pots when the PF aggressor misses a cbet? No, of course not; Mr Nit has something when he bets. Firing a second barrel on the turn just reinforces the fact that Mr Nit is not going anywhere, and a jam ott without big value is likely going to be a bad play.

I’m not saying that the actual villain was a nitty type here. Based on the line he more than likely is a calling station or just a random button pusher. The point is that with this action, even a nitty player is not a good opponent to make this play against. And if a bluff jam is a bad play against a nit, who the heck would it be a good play against?
