I don't like how I played this.

I don't like how I played this.

Can you give your feedback on each decision before spoiling

PartyGaming - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BB: 94.6 BB
UTG: 39.4 BB
Hero (MP): 338.4 BB
CO: 105.2 BB
BTN: 264.2 BB
SB: 100.04 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 8 7

fold, Hero raises to 2 BB, CO raises to 7.4 BB, fold, SB calls 7 BB, fold, Hero calls 5.4 BB

Flop: (23.2 BB, 3 players) Q T 9
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets 7.28 BB, fold, Hero calls 7.28 BB

Turn: (37.76 BB, 2 players) 6
Hero checks, CO bets 11.88 BB, Hero?


Hero raises to 30 BB, CO calls 18.12 BB

River: (97.76 BB, 2 players) Q


Hero bets 115.44 BB, fold


Hero wins 207.8 BB River sizing seems with out thought. Micro bet seems better looking back

02 March 2024 at 05:27 PM

6 Replies

fold flop w/o BDFD. don’t think there’s any point splitting sizes OTR when u only have ⅔ pot behind.

Fold pre unless SB is very big fish.
Yes flop call is bad.

by Haizemberg93 k

Fold pre unless SB is very big fish.
Yes flop call is bad.

SB is big fish that I have very reliable reads on. He's a dream villain lol

CO is loose passive fish

by Haizemberg93 k

Fold pre unless SB is very big fish.
Yes flop call is bad.

I think in theory low connectors and pairs gain EV when someone cold calls the 3b. In practice the cold call will be wider and from a bad player so probably even better.

I don't think solver does much of cold calling 3bet.
It's just a trash hand that flops weak pairs and dominated draws, but it's ok if you have mega fish that can call off a stack with middle pair or something.

★ Recommended Post

I would fold pre or fold flop
As played, jam turn
