$100 nl folding bottom 2 pair on flop

$100 nl folding bottom 2 pair on flop

Played 7/2 to a $4 raise pf. 3 ways flop is 872r. I check and mp pf raiser makes it around $25, lp goes all in for about $90. I folded. With raises this large on flop I'm pretty sure it's tight in continuing vs folding but I can't put a pct on it. Is calling the best option around 55% of the time? I folded and so did mp to lp all in. Mp had aa and lp made a play with 99. We were 100bbs big effective. I'm pretty sure it's around a 55 to 60pct call. What are your thoughts?

04 March 2024 at 09:24 PM

2 Replies

Should have just shoved pre to avoid making such a tough decision on the flop.

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