NL10 Rush and Cash BB vs HJ spot

NL10 Rush and Cash BB vs HJ spot

What do you think of this?

Figured I'm beat by JJ TT 77 55 JTs and I guess slow playing aces, seemed like I could not find enough bluffs that he would ever have to justify calling except the obvious flush draws and I think he is never ever betting TP on the river, especially not this sizing.

3bet bit small pre flop, was a misclick...

Appreciate the feedback ty ty

EDIT: if anyone can run this through a solver real quick I'd appreciate it, I think it's simple 50% cbet flop and shove turn at 100BB but idk about 250 deep...

06 March 2024 at 11:32 PM

3 Replies

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I can't believe you folded here, why don't you think he has like AJ,KJ here. Either this is a super disciplined fold or just a bit too nitty. I think I call here.

I thought fold river would be terrible but in gtowiz at 200bb it's zero ev mixing fold and call about 50/50 calls most with s/d and fold most with h/c but the change is only about 10-15% don't hate just pure folding if we think population is underbluffing but I would have paid in game, well played

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You can check one solve per day on gtow for free in case you don't know.

That said, gtow output is going to be meh because nobody will play like a solver pre or postflop @250bb. I think you played it fine. We could justify anything but it's so sensitive to ranges and player type without good deepstack skills playing it safe seems ok. I would base decision on whether you think IP is a fish. Fish = call
