Set in 3-bet pot 500BBs effective

Set in 3-bet pot 500BBs effective

PokerStars - $2 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: 65.17 BB
Hero (CO): 367.15 BB
BTN: 152.71 BB
SB: 121.58 BB
BB: 248.58 BB
UTG: 27.64 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 6 6

fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, fold, fold, BB raises to 12 BB, Hero calls 9 BB

Flop: (24.5 BB, 2 players) 8 6 8
BB bets 11.64 BB, Hero calls 11.64 BB

Turn: (47.78 BB, 2 players) 4
BB checks, Hero bets 23.14 BB, BB raises to 69.42 BB, Hero ???

Should I always be calling or is raising at a frequency good? I was thinking about the fact that I may want to have some bluffs that move all-in here, but perhaps it's better to just simplify to no raising at all.

07 March 2024 at 07:36 AM

5 Replies

It's jam or call i think. BB's turn XR range is obviously OP heavy, probably too heavy, but also some draws that might fold or depending on skill level overXR and overcall, so my hunch says seize the initiative now and just jam to capture the most mistake EV. they might level themselves into thinking we're overplaying weaker OP after getting 'found out' stabbing the turn.

There must be some line where trapping is better and it looks like a solver does but I'm still not sure humans will be balanced enough on rivers (with bluffs, scary runouts) to be as profitable as just ripping it in now and exploiting stationism and overplay.

I would call always because, OTR it's easy to get the rest of money in. Only 8 is bad and your range looks weaker if you call IMO.

Call. You are going to be in position on the river with like 85% pot behind. Just in case he has anything in his range that folds now when you jam. Villain's range is drawing extremely thin.

You don't need to raise IP. Easy call.

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Prob just a call

Somehow convince him we’re bluff shoving 150BB on river
