KK vs River Jam BvB

KK vs River Jam BvB

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NL Holdem 2(BB)
BB ($226) [VPIP: 100% | PFR: 50% | AGG: 16.7% | Flop Agg: 0% | Turn Agg: 50% | River Agg: 0% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 2]
BTN ($251.75) [VPIP: 57.1% | PFR: 57.1% | AGG: 66.7% | Hands: 7]
HERO ($195) [VPIP: 29% | PFR: 24.2% | AGG: 36.6% | Flop Agg: 41.5% | Turn Agg: 33.9% | River Agg: 37.2% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 14.1% | Cold Call: 9.2% | Hands: 326645]

Dealt to Hero: K K

BTN Folds, HERO Raises To $6, BB Calls $4

Hero SPR on Flop: [15.75 effective]
Flop ($12): 4 5 2
HERO Checks, BB Checks

Turn ($12): 4 5 2 Q
HERO Bets $8 (Rem. Stack: $181), BB Raises To $36 (Rem. Stack: $184), HERO Calls $28 (Rem. Stack: $153)

River ($84): 4 5 2 Q T
HERO Checks, BB Bets $184 (allin), HERO ?

10 March 2024 at 07:20 PM

6 Replies

i woulda played it the same way not much to be done except fold no? i mean the diamonds sure are scary also maybe he flopped wheel

Most regs will stab this kind of flop very wide, so most FD bet flop only makes senese he checks some Axs, but he can gst carried away with blocker kind of hands, so i don't hate calling down.
Ofc you have some flushes and hands with better blockers to call, this would be over calling.

Don't think calling can be bad.

I think most people will probably only have the nut flush for this sizing on the river and also don't mix XB enough with FDs so he doesn't really have that many value combos. It seems like it may be very easy for an aggressive villain to lose control and overbluff with the AX region. especially if he doesn't 3 bet pre with the trashy offsuit Ax hands as much as a solver would (many players won't).

Probably lean toward calling. What does BB really have after not betting the flop? It looks like a big flush or some random hand worse than KK, and people would normally bet FD on the flop.

Why wouldn't villain just call ott with the Ad? If we remove some of those bluff combos and factor in their turn sizing we can start folding. Would be great to have the Kd.

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Would be cool if villain had Q5 here or something other than flush for value maybe A3 w Ad.

I sometimes check back flush draws on flop and do this because people always expect flush draws to be bet on the flop and sometimes they hero call. Seems like in this pool at 200nl people get really bluffy w lines like this a lot in BvB based on your posts.
