Squeeze jam on JJ2 - Overplay or uber play?

Squeeze jam on JJ2 - Overplay or uber play?

PokerStars - $0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 117.7 BB
SB: 101 BB
Hero (BB): 108.8 BB
UTG: 121.9 BB
MP: 182 BB
CO: 105.7 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K A

fold, MP raises to 3 BB, CO raises to 8 BB, fold, fold, Hero raises to 26 BB, fold, CO calls 18 BB

Flop: (55.5 BB, 2 players) J J 2
Hero bets 82.8 BB and is all-in

Think his range is so condensed and floudering on this board we can hit the boosters on rather than cbet/fold our lives away.

13 March 2024 at 08:21 PM

8 Replies

You're overthinking everything per usual.

Bet sizing is based on SPR. You never jam here.

I really doubt you'll get raised by worse here. Just brainlessly B25 in 4-bet pots, then choose whether to check, B33, or jam turns.

"weak and floundering" isn't how I would describe someone who 3-bet and called a massive cold 4-bet.

If you did this against me you would confuse tf out of me

The 4bet is too big vs theory (20BB with also KQs, AQs, AJs sometimes, random trash like A5s sometimes...). In practice I don't know if it matters. I imagine your size makes sense if you only 4bet KK, AA, AK?
I see the solver makes its life easy and just goes all-in with AKo (balancing witk KK & QQ ~ 1/3 of the time), good idea!, I will keep it in mind.

On the flop maybe you fold out AK (especially no diamond), but otherwise it looks like a "they fold everything worse and call everything better" blunder. The benefits of AKo comes from them folding preflop, once you get called you need to accept you won't win the pot every time.

Thanks. Agreed - prob overkill predominently because pool flats too many middle PPs pre = overly strong 4b calling range by default. This might work better vs a nit reg.

CO calls with QQ but we binked an A river so this is one of those excellent yellow line moments where we fluke undeserved EV and then correct the error before probability catches up wtih us. The true path to greatness.

by DooDooPoker k

You never jam here.

Not according to gtow:

What hands are in CO's range that they fold on the flop according to GTOw? Sometimes the preflop ranges are not really applicable to us, mere microstakes mortals. For example I suppose CO 3bets 55 or 66 some tiny % of the time and always call the cold 4bet, and then fold to the open shove on the flop.

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^^^ yeah exactly. I dont' have the solve today but that was the gist of it.

I can't see micro opponents having anywhere near enough of that in this instance for the most part. Vs a paticular looser type I think this has more merit because they 3b gash and overcall. And I've had a degree of success using similar open jam strategies post squeeze on locked down boards with ok blockers; so I do think there is an argument for it.

AFAICT there are quite a few of these open jam spots in 3b pots OOP in theory that nobody uses, esp when the SPR plummets. And I would personally overfold as CO to this line.

It might be a case of waiting until gto ranges are more common. Then, then we will STRIKE
