5NL stats review

5NL stats review

Hello All,

I would appreciate an analysis on my stats at 5NL. Recently I reached 50k hands and I'm not sure that I'm heading in the right direction.

From my point of view, I should be focusing on the BB as I'm losing the most money in this position.

One other thing I noticed is that whenever my red line is flat, the blue line goes down.

Any thought on this? Could this be a leak that I should worry about and take a closer look?

14 March 2024 at 10:49 AM

12 Replies

Your BB game needs improvement but is not critical. I would focus on BU and CO. The win rates are low here.

Target win rates by positions:

67% fold to 3bet is high.

by swerbs22 k

67% fold to 3bet is high.


This is the main thing that sticks out with the stats you've made available. Your RFIs looks good.

The target winrates by slyless are good to keep in the bank of your mind, but also keep in mind your position win rates won't be anywhere near converged over these sample sizes. It can still give you an idea of what to look into, but just understand that.

You also seem to fold too much. Winning 66% of showdowns from the sb is pretty high..

You play way too less from BTN and too less from CO and BB.
Your Attempt to Steal id too low. Your WTSD could be a little bit higher and your WSD is too high (these two stats show you fold too much)
Turn CB could be higher (2 barrel more)

by Brokenstars k


This is the main thing that sticks out with the stats you've made available. Your RFIs looks good.

The target winrates by slyless are good to keep in the bank of your mind, but also keep in mind your position win rates won't be anywhere near converged over these sample sizes. It can still give you an idea of what to look into, but just understand that.

I've built a popup in Hand2Note to compare my stats to GTO (I took the fold frequencies from GTO Wizard) in every position:

It seems that I underfold in EP.

MP seems ok.

In late positions & SB I overfold.

Any toughts?

by zsoltgyero k

I've built a popup in Hand2Note to compare my stats to GTO (I took the fold frequencies from GTO Wizard) in every position:

It seems that I underfold in EP.

MP seems ok.

In late positions & SB I overfold.

Any toughts?

It will ultimately depend on how your pool/opponents are 3betting on average. You have to consider the range you have vs the range of your opponent. If you RFI 16% UTG, you can probably underfold to 3bet because your range is basically tighter and full of stronger holdings from the rip. Of course we still have to consider what villains 3bet% is though

And for late positions... If you are RFI wider or even at GTO freq, and you are facing a villain with a 3bet freq of 2%... You should be overfolding, right? If he is 3betting like 25% generically (all positions) then it's likely he has too many weak hands in range and you can continue wider in that sense. So it's pretty relative to your general pool tendencies and then again vs each individual opponent. For uNL in general, players under 3 bet so I would imagine it's quite natural to have a slightly higher than average fold to 3bet%. However, 67% is pretty high. You should be floating maybe somewhere around 50% I think is average so maybe 55-60% would be a good target for you to shoot working towards, won't be maybe the best but will be closing the gap without feeling like stationing too hard too fast.

For late positions like BTN, remember you have post flop position so you can potentially have a nice post flop edge, could be incentive to continue wider.

Maybe some easy off work table you can do is to look at the average 3bet% of your pool or some players that you have a good bit of hands on to get a general sense of what you are up against.

You mentioned you used GTOwizard, if you have the subscription where you can use trainer unlimited hands then you can train to learn better the 3bet GTO ranges, and the GTO response to 3bet

Fold to 3-bet frequencies are a function of a lot of things including:

1. stack depth
2. 3b sizing
3. RFI range
4. 3b range
5. perceived post flop edge

The values of these things can and will be different compared to the sims you're looking at. It's great you're looking at those and I think that is a wonderful baseline approach, but ideally you should be taking into consideration all of these things and how you should deviate compared to the solver output values and sizings.

I overfold quite a bit and my WR @ 5nlz last 6 months was 8.46. If I filter out all 3b calls it rises to 9.59.

Same pattern 2-25nlz over 150k hands. Overcalling seems more likely to be a leak that undercalling afaict.

by slyless k

Your BB game needs improvement but is not critical. I would focus on BU and CO. The win rates are low here.

Target win rates by positions:

Are these win rates feasible?

If you add them up, you remain with a win rate of 27bb/100 which seems to be a lot to maintain in the long run:


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by zsoltgyero k

Are these win rates feasible?

If you add them up, you remain with a win rate of 27bb/100 which seems to be a lot to maintain in the long run:


Sent from my MAR-LX1A using Tapatalk

you would add them up and divide by 6

★ Recommended Post
by Brokenstars k

you would add them up and divide by 6

That makes sense. Thanks!

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